Chapter 7

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Duncan's P.O.V


I pouted as my marshmellow fell into the fire, I'd tried to cook it perfectly but now it was a blackened mess. I turned to my right and saw a girl pull out a marshmellow from the fire, it was probably the only one that hadn't been scorched too badly. She pulled off the skin and I glared with envy, I shrugged and decided to do some mischeif.


I leaned over and bit it off, looking smugly into the girls eyes. I froze. I'd thought it was Kim sitting next to me, but instead I was looking into the emerald eyes of the girl that had fainted earlier. I mumbled 'shit' before moving back into my place. She stared ahead, like she couldn't quite process that I'd just nicked her marshmellow. She blinked slowly and glanced at me, glanced at the stick, then at me again. She flushed a deep red, but it wasn't a nasty shade of red, it looked like it'd been carefully airbrushed onto her porcealin cheeks in the lightest shade possible. She looked sweet and young in the campfire light. I mentally slapped myself.


She's a kid for crying out loud, you can't have thoughts like that about a kid! I proceeded to look sheepish as more marshmellows were handed out, the poor girl next to me still looked shocked and shook her head when offered another marshmellow. I accepted and got to work, slowly keeping an eye one it so that it didn't scorch inside and out. I pulled it out and smiled when it wasn't set on fire. I pulled off the skin and offered it to the girl next to me. She looked at me startled.


"I'm sorry I ate yours, I thought it was Kim. I guess this is for no hard feelings?" I asked, looking sheepish and rubbing the back of my neck. She looked at me and a smile twitched at the corners of her mouth before she gingerly accepted my marshmellow.

Simon 'awww'ed as he watched the exchange of marshmellows and the poor girl nearly choked, Kim patted her on the back whilst everyone else laughed at Simon and I sent him a death glare. The fire started to die down and Rachel stood up.

"Okay guys," She yelled, clapping her hands for silence." tomorrow we start camp activities, we're going tree climbing and we're also doing archery!"

Everyone burst into conversation, excited about the activites. Rachel ordered everyone off to their cabins, only the Yogs and the skeleton girl were left. Rachel smiled at her.

"I did notice you there, I'm tempted to put in Honeydew or Sjin cabin, since you seem like a fan of them." She smiled, the girl squirmed and nodded shyly. She then breathed in.

"I-I-I acctually have a top five favourite Yogscast members." She mumbled, shocking everyone into silence. Nobody had heard her speak directly to a person before. Even Rachel raised an eyebrow.


"I-I-I don't want t-to say it out loud though..." the girl whispered, Rachel nodded and beconed her. The girl obliged and whispered something in Rachel's ear. Rachel laughed and nodded.

"Okay then, you can stay in Rythian's cabin temporarily. Just until I sort the paperwork!"

The girl nodded sheepishly and headed off towards the block of cabins. Rachel looked at us and smiled, she started heading off towards her cabin and yelled us good night. We trudged after her, looking forward to sleep after an exciting day. As soon as we'd all changed and climbed into our beds, the lights were turned out. I stared at the bunk above me, my thoughts concentrating on the new girl, Alice her name was. She was sort of pretty is you thought about it, the way she blushed around people, the way she looked at you in a sweet way. And if you stole her marshmellows, she looked slightly hurt. I smiled slightly, finally drifting off into a comatose sleep after several hours of pondering....

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