Chapter 5

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Sorry for the very vauge authors note in the last chapter, I was extremly tired after I had been writing for around four or five hours in total! I just wanted to sleep but I'm awake now and will continue to update! Thanks for your support!


Simon's P.O.V


Everybody turned their head and as I looked at the source of the footsteps, my mouth fell open. Kim pushed my mouth closed and held it closed.

It was a girl, who was skinny and very,very tall. She had blonde hair with one blue streak and one brown streak in her fringe, the fringe covered her right eye. Her left eye had a scratch shaped scratch, the iris was a vibrant green. She had pale skin and rosy cheeks. She hand very long legs and long slim hands.  The nails were well bitten and she had brown leather gloves with silver spikes on the back. The gloves were finger less and only came up to her wrist with a velcro strap across the wrist. She had light grey shorts on with white braces hanging loosely around her waist. She wore dark grey knee high boots with white laces. She had a ripped up white top, the bottom was ripped and stopped just above her navel, one ragged line ran across the chest and exposed her skin. She wore a white beanie on her head and upon closer inspection it had a minecraft skeleton face on it. Her hair reached her waist and had a slight wave to it. She smiled awkwardly and blushed.

Rachel walked over to her and smiled, whispering something to the girl. Everybody waited in silence, intriuged by this stranger. Amber bounced forward, startling the tall girl, her eyes going wide.

"Helloooo! I'm Amber, head of Sparkles cabin. And you are?" She asked, her bubbly personality making her seem hyper-active. The skeleton girl looked at Amber before replying.

"A-A-A-Alice." She muttered, she looked like she was oblivious to our presence. Lewis raised and eyebrow and I shrugged.

"This is Alice and she's new here, I want you to make her welcome whilst she makes up her mind what cabin she wants to be in." Rachel stated, clapping her hands together making Alice jump. Amber smiled at her.

A boy spoke up from Xephos cabin, his expression serious.

"Don't you have a favourite Yogscast member?" He queried, glancing over at our table quickly before casting his gaze lazily back to the new girl. She stiffened, suddenly alert to some phantom presence. She cast her eyes over the room and stopped at out tables. She went white and she started shaking. Rachel put her hand on Alice's shoulder and asked if she was alright. Suddenly Alice's knees buckled and her eyes rolled back into her skull. Amber caught her as she fell and every jumped up. Lena pushed infront and looked around, panic evident in her eyes. Lizzie stood next to her, looking quite pale herself.

"Does anyone know what to do with a fainted person?" Lena cried, everybody shuffled away. Even Rachel looked sheepish, Duncan stepped forward. He took off his hoodie and rolled it up, gently putting it behind the girl's head and moving her into the recovery position. She groaned alittle as she was moved. Rachel suddenly snapped out of a trance and took charge.

"I need a volenteer to move her into a cabin, she can be looked after better in a cabin than she can laying here." She yelled over loudly talking campers, the chatter stopped as people looked towards the leaders for advice. Duncan quietly scooped her up, she was obvioulsy light for her size because Duncan picked her up like a feather.

"I'll put her in our cabin for now." He said, nobody argued. He walked out and everyone watched from their spot as he walked across camp with the unconcius girl in his arms. Amber said something to Rachel and then Rachel announced something to the campers. General chatter resumed, but the rest of the yogs and I sat back at our table, silent and oblivious to the world around us. All sharing one thought.

Why did she faint? And why did Duncan react like that?



Dun, dun, duuuuunnnnnn! So Alice fainted on her first day at Camp Yognau(gh)t , why did she faint? And what will happen with Duncan and why was he acting so strangly around the new girl? Was it the lack of his own cabin? Or something more?..... I will make you read on to find out! >:D

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