Chapter 2

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Rachel's P.O.V


I waited on the drive, the sun warming the air and turning the leaves into a vibrant canopy of green. I smiled as I waited for the camps guests.

I wonder what the leaders will think? I wondered. What will the rest of them think?

I chuckled as I imagined their reactions. I straightened my orange t-shirt and brown three quater lenths, I wriggled my toes in my white sneakers to test the fit for the millionth time that morning. I sighed and brushed my fingers through my hair and tied it into a ponytail. My skin becoming dappled in the sunlight. I huffed and looked at my watch.

Seven in the morning. I smiled. The only sound to be heard was the birds cheeping and twittering. As if on que I heard several cars pull into the gravel drive. I watched as the sunlight reflected off the black hoods and sent the light in all directions.

The cars pulled to a stop and several people got out of each car, they ran round to the trunk and pulled out suitcases and bags. I grinned. The cars pulled away and the group strolled up the path, their faces masked in awe as they looked at the camp. I recognised them all imediatly.

"Welcome to Camp Yognau(gh)t!" I chriped. The man infront , lewis, looked at me and smiled, holding out his free hand.

"Hi, you must be Rachel." He said, giving my hand a firm shake. My smile grew wider.

"That's me."

Everybody looked around, one or two had puzzled looks on their faces. I laughed.

"I guess you're wondering why there aint nobody 'round?" I asked, giving them my best smile. They all nodded. I laughed.

"I'll call the cabin leaders out," I said. "you might want to prepare for the rabble."

I cupped my hands over my mouth and let out a sequence of whistles to the tune of 'Screw the Nether'. Almost immediatly there was the sound of running water and a face popped out of the first cabin door. The girl waved at me and ducked back inside. She emerged along with ten other campers from different cabins. I grinned as they filled into a horizontal line and waited. Some still rubbing sleep out of their eyes whilst others chattered amongst themselves. I cleared my throat and the campers fell silent..

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