you're brought up in an interview

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already dating

• her mind lights tf up
• eyes widen
• keeps giggling at the thought of you
• just so in love omg

• yell yell mf scREECH
• talks at a rapid pace
• explains everything amazing about you
• took over the interview
• still kept it professional

• won't stop squealing !
• "oh my goodness" x10000000
• lights the fuck up
• blushing blushing blushing
• lets herself get very uwu
• doesn't stop thinking about you and continues to bring you up

• gets really excited
• just wants everyone to know how amazing you are
• "oh, AND..."
• she talks about you for the whole rest of the interview

• won't stop talking
• practically yelling
• gets disappointed when they ask the next question
• it's obvious that she just keeps talking about you in her head

• big smile
• smile gets smaller as soon as everyone stops talking about you
• her love is so obvious how cute
• keeps calling you "cunt" to stop herself from getting too emo

Miz Cracker
• so professional about it ?
• talking you up so much
• "did you know..."
• doesn't really let them ask any other questions

• blushes soooo much
• tries to stay as "neutral" as possible
• literally can't
• such a pure smile !!!

• makes her a million times happier
• "that bitch is my everything,"
• goes very uwu but tries to stop herself
• brings you up on every question after that

A/N: I mega dislike school and would appreciate it if it would fucking snow in New York :( why is it so warmmmmm !! I hope you all luvvv, don't forget to vote and comment and check out my other stories :)

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