she addresses hate

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• goes OFF on twitter and eventually realizes she has to do the same on instagram
• ignores strangers on social media as much as possible
• more people listen and respect her after the posts (obviously not everyone though)

• unfortunately gets a lot of hate for just speaking her mind
• "you all better shut your mouths for a few quick hours because I'm about to go off,"
• many fans and other queens defending you both 

• went on a twitter rant after getting fed up with responding to Instagram comments (damn who woulda thought)
• "listen here, fuckers, she means the damn world to me,"
• the good stans were v supportive as always
• obviously people trying to paint her as the bad guy for being 'always angry on social media' when she was just defending someone she loves ?

• makes a bunch of posts on Instagram and twitter because she has had ENOUGH
• pretty much everyone ever defended her and really shut all of the haters up
• everyone was so supportive awh my heart

• went OFF on twitter
• "go to my twitter. don't be a dumbass."
• some people totally ignored what she was saying ?? excuse you
• thousands of "this has the most Kameron has ever talked in her life"
• Aquaria and Asia went all the way off after they noticed people weren't getting it

• isn't on social media much but decided to do something after Trixie mentioned how out of hand it was getting
• the hate didn't really bother both of you
• said a few things on twitter
• wasn't much but really got every single person thinking
• pretty much everyone was super cool after that

Miz Cracker
• Katelyn had to help her figure out what to say because she was so angry she wasn't sure how to make sense
• long long long twitter rant
• haters mostly ignored
• it was retweeted so many times that some locals saw it and made it go viral
• points were made!

• twitter rant!
• what she said was put so well that it could work for multiple situations
• many many news articles on it
• all hate was pretty much taken care of because of that

• barely reads comments but it was OUT OF HAND, even more so than the constant 'Shangela was robbed'
• very long rant that NO ONE was expecting
• "back off!"
• an intense amount of 'I'm so proud of you' everythings

A/N: yay I am on time! As always, I hope you loveeee. Don't forget to comment and vote and everything :))

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