how you met

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• on the streets
• she LOVED your hair
• "are you sure that's not a wig? I neeeed something like that,"
• decided to get pizza together
• C U T E

• shoe shopping
• she asked for your help to get a shoe off of her foot because it was stuck
• "ma, why is everything so SMALL?!"
• finally found something in her size but it wasn't very cute
• tried like twenty pick up lines to get your number

• at a Lady Gaga concert
• she thought you looked HOT
• discussed fashoooon and clothes
• "and I thought I was the one turning looks,"
• exchanged numbers

• at Starbucks
• she used a ridiculous fake name and a silly accent
• you were giggling a lot
• "I'm sorry but that accent can't be real,"
• "no, I'm from Indiana,"
• became best friends with MANY feelings

• at a Mexican restaurant
• both eating alone
• "I know I am,"
• super chatty and comfortable around you
• pushed tables together
• went dancing afterwards

• she was taking an Instagram story of a dead bug and you were distracted and tripped on her
• "not as sorry as I am for this bug that's now under me!"
• got smoothies together
• really pure

Miz Cracker
• she was spinning in circles in the snow
• you joined in the fun
• "don't you just love snow?!"
• "clearly,"
• the actual sweetest
• went into starbucks to try and dry off together

• at a guitar store
• "do you have this in pink or white?"
• laughing at her for making a scene
• "well I can just make my manager get one for me for free! Do you know who I am?! What are you laughing at!"
• "I just never seen this happen in person before,"
• went to Taco Bell together
• such a sweetie

A/N: writing these is a lot of fun, I hope you like them so far!

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