Temporary Breakups

Start from the beginning

"I need to swear you both to secrecy." She's serious about this and it makes me worry what she's going to tell us.

"It's kind of a bad week for that kind of stuff." Elena replies.

"Swear. Cause I'm not supposed to be showing either of you this."

"We swear Bonnie. Come on what do you want to tell or show us." I say giving her a reassuring smile.

"Okay, there's no windows open, right?"

"Right." Elena and I look around at her question.

"There's no fan, no air conditioning..."

"None. Bon get to the point."

"Grams just showed me this. You're both gonna love it. You two ready?" We nod our heads and watch as she moves her hand up a feather follows. She places it down.

"Bonnie, what's going on?"  She uses both hands and numerous feathers are floating in the air under her control. I'm shocked beyond belief at what's going on in front of my very eyes. And then without even using her hand's feathers are floating all around us and we can't help but be in awe.

"It's true. Everything my Grams told me. It's impossible. But it's true. I'm a witch."

"We believe you, Bonnie." We hug each other as we marvel that is Bonnie.

"It's weird, huh? After all this time joking about being psychic, and I really am a witch. You two don't think I'm a freak now, do you?"

"No of course, not." Elena assures her. "I just don't understand though if your Grams told you to keep all this a secret, why did you tell us?"

"You two are my best friends. I can't keep secrets from you two."

"She's right. We don't keep secrets from each other. I tell you guys everything. Sometimes more than you would like to know." I rest my head-on Elena's shoulder when she's not responding to Bonnie. No matter what happens we will always have each other to lean on for support.

Elena came running back home from visiting Stefan for a little bit. I told her it was a bad idea. After a break up it's never a good idea to go running right back because of mixed feelings. You have to give your heart some time to recover before hurting it again.

"He had what?"

"A girl in a towel in his house." Elena is pacing around my room upset over what she just witnessed.

"Did she say who she was or why she was in his house in a towel?"

"She says she a friend of his and said he was in the shower."

"You don't think..."

"I do. What do I say to him?"

"That he's a dick! Give me a second and I can have Matt and Tyler hold him down while you kick him where the sun..."

"Sofia, as much as I love that you would help me get back at him for hurting me. I wouldn't want that to happen to Stefan."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know."

"Wanna have a movie night where we eat a ton of junk food?"

"I would love to. Want to make..."

"Chocolate chip cookies!"

"Jinx." I say jumping with pride as I win. "I'll get the movies out and you find our stash of face masks. It's going to be a good night." I race down to get our hidden movie stash ready to ball our eyes out to Pretty Woman and other classics.

I have all our movie snacks out and ready to go when someone knocks on our door. I'm hoping it's Matt or even Jeremy but it's Stefan.

"Oh, it's you."

"Hey, Sofia. Is Elena home?" He looks around for her.

"And if she is?"

"I'm guessing she told you about our..."

"That you two broke up? Yeah. And let me say for someone who was so smitten with my sister you moved on quickly."

"Moved on?"

"Stefan?" Elena comes down with the face mask in her hands. "What are you doing here?"

"Lexi said you came by earlier and you seemed upset."

"So the girl in the towel has a name." I snap at him and Elena calms me down.

"Hey, Sof, can we have a minute?"

"Sure, but don't forget my offer." I kiss my sister on the side of her head while I glared at Stefan.

I had two bowls of popcorn made and pizza on its way as well as some ice cream sandwiches to tide us over until it arrived. Elena came back into the house looking confused.

"Did he try to win you back?" She didn't answer at first. "Elena?"

"Uh, sorry. Um no actually he asked me to come to Caroline's party with him."

"What did you say?"

"I said I wanted to stay in."

"Do you?"

"Yeah. We planned a movie night so we're doing a movie night." She's adamant about her decision.

"Okay, well pizza is on it' way and popcorn is ready to be devoured." I hand her a bowl and we make our way to the couch for our first movie.

Elena barely ate her two slices of our favorite pizza and didn't laugh at any of the funny scenes in Pretty Woman. I hit pause on it which makes her sit up.

"What are you doing?"

"You want to go to the party, don't you?"

"No. I want to stay here with you and..."

"Elena, before we start the masks and we take a step we can't go back from. Let me ask you again. Do you want to go to the party?" I can get us ready in less than five minutes and I will be there for you as moral support." All I needed was her small nod for me to drag us upstairs to make ourselves more presentable.

How long do you think Matt and Sofia will last?

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