Chapter 5: Smashball Mania

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Nearly a week has passed and Little Mac has felt more and more at home with each passing day. Even Summer is seeming to warm up slightly to the newcomer.

All seems to be going slow this morning. Everyone either has work off or nothing really going on; so for the first time Little Mac is the first one awake. He navigates into the kitchen out of hunger and was pondering on what and how to make breakfast. Eventually he settles on a few slices of bread and a glass of water. Mac changes into some more normal clothes and flips on the TV. He waits around, hoping someone will eventually wake up.

After roughly an hour Steve comes out of his room, looking tired but ready for the day. "Oh, morning Mac. You're up early."

"Yeah, I had some ideas last night and was waiting for Mogar to try them out." Little Mac said excitingly.

"I'm glad you two are getting along so well. He's a tough one to get to know;  I'm glad he's found someone he can be himself around." Steve wanders into the kitchen. "He hasn't been this joyful in a long time."

Summer drags her slippers out of her door and with barely open eyes mumbles, "morning"

"Morning Summer. How'd you sleep?" Steve asks. They begin a conversation that Little Mac tunes out at the sight of a boxing match as he flips through channels. They're both skilled light class men, about the size of Mac. His eyes don't break as he watches every movement. He thinks "This is amazing. I didn't know people like me could do this."

Summer notices Mac's firm attention "They fight with all they have sometimes. They can win some big bucks if they're good enough."

Little Mac remembers something Mogar said, "Mogar told me about a boxing match we can join. Would it be like this?"

Steve interjects. "Well not as fancy. I mean for that you need managers, sponsors, exper-"

"Do you think we could try? Mogar said he would fight with me!" Mac asks nervously.

"We'll talk it over and let you know." Steve is interrupted by Summer.
"He can do whatever he wants. He's an adult, I think. Let him fight. Put some money on it. Whatever."

"No gambling, Summer. Mac always has his freedom, I'm just not sure how ready he is for something like this. Let me speak with Gar about this and then we'll go from there." Steve says with a stern yet caring voice.

Steve begins cooking while Summer joins Mac on the couch. "I think you're ready." Summer whispers "I've seen how confidant you've been getting. Plus I've stumbled in on your training sessions with Mogar. You feel stronger, don't you?"

Mac nods his head in agreement.

"Stick with it. I think you've got a chance, even if it flops, you tried." Summer smiles then takes the remote. "Also tv's mine now."

Not too much later, the house fills with the smell of cooking chicken. Mogar, intoxicated with the aroma, lurches out of his room and straight into the kitchen. Steve and Mogar enjoy a nice meal while Summer and Mac watch Good Morning America.

Mogar struts out of the kitchen happy, "Mogar is full, time for family." He plops down next to Mac on the end of the couch. Mac turns to Mogar "So i have an idea big guy." Mogar looks up intrigued. "So, the smash ball gets absorbed up before I use it right? What if I end the match with it still inside me?"

Mogar looks down and distant for a second while he thinks. "Mogar don't know, but Mogar is about to find out."

Good Morning America signs off and Summer gets lost in her phone. Mac and Mogar set up SSB and load up a single 1cpu fighter mii. Mac toys around with the fighter, tapping it with a jab every now and then. Before long, a smashball floats onto screen. Mac immediately dashes towards it and lands a barrage of hits until it pops. Engulfing him in a glowing aura, Mac represses the power and lands a few more punches on the fighter to send it off stage. "GAME!" Is shouted while Mac still glows with the energy. Mogar navigates through the menus and puts Mac back into his unconscious body.

Mac jolts awake scaring Summer! "Jesus Christ!" She screams.

Mac looks at Mogar excitingly. "I feel it!" Mac jumps to his feet. "I can feel the Smashball still!" Mogar gets excited.

"Do you think you can go Giga?" Mogar asks jumping up.

"Should I try it?" Mac asks nervously.

"Outside." Summer chimes in with a melancholy response, still looking down at her phone. Mogar and Mac both run out the front door leaving it wide open. Summer walks up to the door frame to watch the two.

They run to a smallish open field between the apartments. "Alright. Let's see if I can do this.." Mac closes his eyes and focuses hard. His body trembles for a brief second before exploding in a faint light revealing a monstrously sized Mac. He towers nearly a foot over Mogar, with his muscles pulsing . Mogar cheers his heart out, putting both his arms up and screaming, "You're huge!"

Another flash of light later and Mac transforms back. "Mogar!" He shouts "I can do that here!" Mac freaks out in a joyful manner.

"Can you do it again?" Mogar asks excitingly.

"I think so. Give me a second, it feels like I'm on some sort of cool down." Mac joyfully proclaims before trying to pop to giga again. Yet again a flash of light and he is a towering hulk of power. Mogar shouts, "Hit me!" And Mac, without any hesitation, punches Mogar. Mogar catching the massive boxing glove, slides backwards in the dirt about a foot. He seems to be physically unaffected by the punch.

"That was the strongest punch you have ever hit Mogar with." Mogar says while Mac transforms back once more. "Really?" Little Mac replies, slightly winded. "That form takes a lot out of me. So I guess I'm glad it's worth it."

"Can you not hold it longer little buddy?" Mogar asks shaking the dirt off of his hide boots.

"No, I have about 7 seconds or so like that before I just pop back." Mac says regaining his composure. "But hey! I can use it more than once!!"

Summer smirks and shakes her head while the two celebrate in the small clearing of grass. After a bit they all head back into the house. While Mogar and Mac tell Steve about this breakthrough, Summer sits on the couch and notices the rubix cube Mogar brought home and forgot about. Picking it up and beginning to fiddle with it, continuing with it for the remainder of the day.

One by one the house goes to bed, Little Mac being the first to doze off. Summer is still up while Steve finishes up his nightly routine. "Summer? What are you doing up? We have work in the morning."

"Just. This fucking rubix cube is bothering me. I've solved these a million times as a kid, it's easy. But this one is broken? Or the stickers are wrong? But I can't find anything wrong with it. Everything looks perfect, just scrambled." Summer sternly fidgets with it some more.

"Well, go to bed soon. Goodnight Summer." Steve says walking into his room.

Another hour passes and the house is silent aside from the clicking from the rubix cube turning. It seems to be as close to a solved state as possible as Summer turns and studies every inch of it. A few more rotations and it's a single turn away from being completely solved. She sighs in relief as she rotates the final bit, clicking the final bit to a solved cube. The very moment the cube is solved Summer disappears along with the cube. Not a trace of them is seen on the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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