Chapter 3: The Manager

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Three days have passed and Little Mac has become a member of the household, to Summer's suspicious dismay. Dawn breaks and Steve beckons to the household that breakfast has been prepared. Little Mac is first in the kitchen, still wearing full gear as he always seems to. After a few minutes Mogar and Summer both shuffle their way into chairs. Summer eyes Little mac as they are being served.
"Yes, friend Summer?" Little Mac asks while eating his fried pork , "You seem as if you have a statement."

Summer looks displeased and clears her throat before boldly saying "So like when are you going to get a job? You can't just stay here and mooch off of us forever."

"Ummm... Well. I." Little mac stutters

"You're a boxer, go fight some dirty hobo for his beer money." Summer sarcastically says.

"SUMMER!" Steve chimes in as he sits down beside Mogar. "Mac is our guest, he was just born a few days ago too. He needs identity papers and all those other things before he can just get a job."

"Well. What is he gonna do? We can't have someone else here, or Mr. Green will flip shit." Summer argues while setting down her fork and looking upset.

"Well, we should start with some new clothes and maybe somewhere to sleep that's not the couch" Steve says reassuringly to little Mac. "Gar, buddy,  why don't you take Mac out to Wal-Mart and buy him a sleeping bag and a couple changes of clothes, Summer and I have work later so you can take the bus."

Mogar looks up with a slight bit of panic in his eyes "Uhhh, the one down the road? Mogar doesn't kn-"

"Take my card and be quick about it, no unnecessary purchases okay?" Steve says more firmly to Mogar, shutting him up.

Mogar swallows his remaining breakfast and looks down at his plate. Little Mac looks puzzled at this whole situation but goes along with it anyways.

A few hours pass, Summer and Steve head out to their jobs leaving Mogar and Little Mac home alone. Little mac sits awkwardly in the living room not knowing how or what to do with himself. He degloves himself and looks over his hands with a slight distant feeling. He thinks to himself "What is my purpose? Summer was right when she said I didn't do anything all day. I don't know what I can do."

Mogar stumbles out of his room, and takes a deep breath, "We should hurry, Mogar doesn't like this Wal-Mart, it needs to be a quick trip."

"Uhh okay. Well you lead the way, and I'll just learn how things work." Little Mac says with a false confidence.

Mogar grabs his supplies and shows Little Mac out the door. This is the first time since he got there that he has been outside. He takes in the air, the light breeze of the early fall weather, the sound of cars driving by, and the ever beautiful sight of leaves slowly falling to the ground. Mac enjoys and takes every single sight and sound in.

"So uh, Mogar did some research and found out what game you are from." Mogar says, attempting to make small talk

"Oh. Where from?" Little Mac responds, still mildly distracted.

"Super Smash Bros. It's like a fighting game. You were an extra bit of content. Mogar thinks if we see it at the store, maybe we can get a copy and yaknow.. See if it tells us anything." Mogar says cautiously.

This grabs Little Mac's attention "That is an amazing idea! But, what kind of extra content am I?"

"It's called an amiibo. Mogar use little figure on controller and it makes an A.I fighter." Mogar makes motions with his hands as if he's putting something on his palm.

"Do you think I could be put into the game the same way?" Little Mac questions.

Mogar just shrugs as they arrive at the bus stop. They sit down and wait, Mac taking in all the sights of the cars driving by. Mogar looks over the posters and stickers littering the bus stop's walls. One in particular catches his attention, a poster for an independent fight at a local bar, pay out for winning is $800. Entrance fee is only $25. "Oh! Look, fights!" Mogar exclaims. "You're a fighter! You and Mogar should enter. Mogar is very strong. Mogar can beat anyone."

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