Chapter 4: Super Smash Brothers

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Sunlight peers through drawn curtains, while snack foods and drinks litter the floor and new living room table. Mogar and Mac are sitting at full attention on the couch, focused on the game currently on TV. Mogar sets the Wii-U game pad on the ground near Mac's feet.

"You ready?" Mogar says as the announcer blairs "FREE FOR ALL".

Little Mac looks to the character select screen of Super Smash Bros. and breaths in a confident "Yeah!" Mac sets his foot onto the small amiibo port on the game pad and seems to black out and go limp.

"AMIIBO" the game announcer yells. A Little Mac image pops up. It says level 36 under it. Mogar reclaims the game pad from under the motionless Mac and selects an opponent. "DONKEY KONG"  the announcer states as Mogar goes through the menu and selects a stage. The round begins and through the TV you hear Little Mac say "Alright. I'm gonna say I can win this one this time."

The round begins. Mogar is sitting on the edge of his seat as Mac charges in. Dk swings and barely misses Little Mac. Mac follows up with a jab and lands it dealing about 15% damage. Dk jumps up and head bashes down, Little Mac counters sending the ape flying upwards.

Mogar cheers, knocking over empty bottles and bags. Mac launches himself up in a whirlwind attack hitting Dk multiple times leaving him just over 80%. Little Mac has yet to be touched this round but Dk still has 3 lives so it's anyone's game.

Dk lands on the other side of the stage and winds up an attack. Little Mac says "Okay. Going better than last time" Charging at Dk again with a flying superman punch, the ape dodges and lands a massive punch of nearly 50% onto Mac. Retaliating, Mac charges up a quick smash attack and lands it squarely on the face of Dk. Sending him flying off screen, and a stock disappears.

A platform slowly descending brings Dk back. He descends and immediately goes after Mac, landing a few punches and headbutts, leaving Mac wounded. Another flying superman punch is shielded by Dk, following a grapple and a barrage of punches. A final throw launches Little Mac off screen.

This match continues for 10 more minutes. Each of them on their final stock. Dk at 15% and Little Mac looking hurt at 89%. Mac seems angry yet determined. He plays his cards carefully knowing he could lose this but if he is cautious and patient enough he could still come out the victor, this being his first.

Little Mac charges in and does a running punch, landing it nicely. Following it up with a few quick jabs and one large punch sending Dk across the field. A strange noise is heard and a Final Smash Orb is seen floating onto screen. Mogar shouts "GET THE BALL MAC!" so excited he stands staring at the TV.

Donkey Kong jumps after the ball and punches it, sending it towards Little Mac. Mac knows if he can get it, he might be able to win the match.

Although he does not know what his final smash is, every match that the ball has appeared in, Mac has not been able to grab it. He has felt many final attacks being used, each containing such great power in their own way but some being much stronger than others. Mac only hopes his is on the stronger end of things.

Ball now overhead, Little Mac jumps with everything he has, attacking it in a whirlwind of punches. He breaks it and begins to glow with the aura of the Smash ball. He feels a great power swell up inside.

Landing firmly on the ground Mac spots Dk charging him, looking to finish the match. Getting in his fighting stance he is ready to stand his ground and send him flying. Mac knows not the power he holds but he believes that it is strong enough to end this. He activates his Final Smash, he feels his power doubling, and size increasing. A bright light flashes, engulfing his transformation into Giga Mac. Dk attacks right as the light vanishes and Giga Mac counters, sending the ape flying straight up at incredible speed. Mogar screams with great cheer, sticking both his arms up in victory.

As Dk's final stock disappears the announcer yells "GAME" followed by "AND THE WINNER IS. LITTLE MAC" Little Mac appears on screen and begins to cheer and pump his fist in the air.

"Yes!!!" Mac cheers with great happiness. His level ticks up to 39 as they see the final results. Mogar happily navigates back to the main menu and puts Mac back into his body once again.

Mac springs up with great happiness and they both start to cheer and scream at this milestone. Mogar picks Mac up for a large hug "Mogar can't believe you got the smash ball! It was so intense."

Little Mac never felt so good about something he's done before. This was one of the greatest moments he's ever experienced, and Mac feels Mogar is a great person to spend these times with.

A few more minutes pass as they celebrate and as it settles down Mogar asks Mac "Should Mogar pick out some gear and abilities for you?"

Macs eyes light up with excitement as he's forgotten about that system. "Yes! But we need some good ones for sure." Navigating to the list of items, they shuffle through dozens and dozens of different items. Some blank some with abilities. After much discussion they settle to put the stats of speed, defense, and offense to 40 each; The max total being 120. As for abilities, they get 3. Some are great, some seem sub-par, and others are just terrible.

Shuffling for almost an hour they figure that the Vampire ability, Regeneration and Critical chance was the best set to go for Mac. Mogar turns to Mac "Okay. Mogar scan you in and feed you ability gear first then boost stats. You will still probably need more training, but we have all night."

Little Mac nods in agreement and gets ready to be scanned in. Mogar looks to Mac as he readies himself. "You know, in Mogar's culture strength and the ability to fight is your placement in the village. Mogar was almost Chief of Mogar's tribe. Mogar was so good at fighting and defending the people. You're getting stronger, be sure you use it to protect people, not just for offense."

Little Mac looks down slightly, processing what Mogar just said. Before Mac could speak he's interrupted by Mogar "Let's get you all geared up" with a troubled smile. Mac just nods and sets his foot on the game pad, passing out and being put into the game.

They spend the rest of their night training and adjusting Mac's stats until he reaches level 50 with all the gear they desired. Mac really enjoyed his time with Mogar, and he hopes to spend more in the future.

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