Chapter 2: New House Guest

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Morning arises, bringing with it a new bright day, and little to no cloud cover. The sun peeks over the horizon, shining into Mogar's window. His mounted battle axes reflecting the light, and illuminating the room. Slowly awakening, Mogar's eyes open, crusty and dry from a long rested night. He stretches briefly, before pulling his bear pelt blanket off of himself. Groggy and getting ready for the day, he begins to wander out of his room and into the kitchen where Steve seems to be attempting to make coffee. His block-like hands struggle to fill the pot with water, and coffee grounds litter the floor and counter space.

Steve turns noticing Mogar had walked into the kitchen and greets him. "Oh hey, we're gonna go in a bit, after coffee is made, you want any?"

"Mogar is not in the mood for coffee, but maybe some breakfast. Mogar has feeling it will be a good day. Must start it off right." Mogar states as he pulls a chair out to sit upon at the table.

"I'll pour you some cereal and then we'll go okay?" Steve proclaims as he finally finishes making coffee.

Breakfast finished, coffee brewed and drunk, Mogar and Steve were ready to go out and peruse the yard sales nearby. Managing to find one or two, they didn't find a whole lot at the beginning. But then they found the mother-load, a yard sale that had a little bit of everything. As Steve pulls up to the curb to park Mogar immediately hops out of the car. Eager at what treasures could be found here.

"Look at what Mogar found!" He says as he pulls up one of the first things he can touch. Steve unamused with the sweater Mogar had found, continued searching on his own. Sorting through many boxes, bins, and tables he does not seem to find a whole lot. Eventually he sees a coffee table that he likes, and begins talking to the owner about how much it would be. Mogar begins to sort through all of the children's items or toys and interesting nick-knacks, before stumbling upon a box of miscellaneous items. Dwelling deep into them, Mogar ends up finding a Rubik's Cube. Dumbfounded with what exactly it is, he twists it once and is amazed by the color change, for it is already jumbled-up. Mogar plays with it for a little while longer before almost getting bored and setting it down just outside the box. Digging a little bit deeper he also stumbles upon a small figure.

Mogar pulls the figure out of the box, revealing it to be a Little Mac amiibo. He stares at it for a very long time, before deciding he's going to get it. Mogar walks over to Steve who is mid-conversation with the man running the yard sale.
"Mogar found what he would like."

The man turns to the lumbering half-orc and looks up. "The toys are buy one get one free." He states as he points back to the box. Mogar excitedly runs back over and starts to rifle through the box again before pausing and looking at the Rubik's Cube once more. Hesitantly he picks it up and stares at it for a little while longer. He turns and holds it up to Steve who nods in an almost excited-for-him way, before returning to his previous conversation.

Mogar and Steve begin to load the coffee table onto the top of the car. Strapping it down with some minor rope Steve keeps in his inventory. And after waving goodbye they drive off, fulfilled what they needed to get. Mogar plays with his small figure while the Rubik's Cube sits in his lap, the rough plastic makes it seem like the amiibo has been through a lot, but is still in good shape.

"So I see you got a Rubik's Cube there Gar." Steve said "Do you even know how to use those?"
"Mogar will figure it out. Mogar was wisest in his old village!" Mogar proclaimed, grasping onto the cube with determination.

"We're going to get some gas, then we're heading home." Steve says as they pull into a Shell gas station.

"Will you leave your phone? Mogar wants to listen to the Rocky theme song."

"Sure buddy!" Says Steve as he pulls his phone out of his inventory, then adds, "Want a drink?"

"Mogar will have Mountain Dew Code Red."

Steve waves his blocky hand in agreement as he shuts the door. Mogar plugs Steve's phone into the aux cable, and shuffles through YouTube recommended videos before searching for the Rocky theme song. He begins to play it, and then sets the phone down on the arm rest between the driver and passenger seat. Mogar then remembers that he needs to now X out the schedule in his book, for he has done everything he has had to do today.

Mogar sets the Little Mac amiibo and the Rubik's Cube on the armrest as well, and begins to shuffle around trying to find his little black notebook. After a minute or two Steve comes back out carrying a fountain drink, with the Rocky music still blaring, he taps on the window to get Mogar's attention. Mogar then rolls down the window and reaches his hand out to grab the drink. As he attempts to pull it back into the car he clips the door frame spilling the drink all over himself along with the armrest and all the items upon it.

The music becomes slow and distorted until finally coming to a complete stop. Sparks begin shooting out of the phone, and the amiibo and the Rubik's Cube begin to both glow. The Rubik's Cube glowing brighter. A blinding light flashes, leaving both Steve and Mogar having to cover their eyes, before dying off revealing that the amiibo is no longer on the armrest, but the Rubik's Cube and a broken phone are. Steve lets out a scream, upon seeing who was in the back seat. Mogar turns to peer upon who it is, and upon his turn he sees a fully grown Little Mac, moving and looking around in the backseat of the car.

Immediately leaving the car, Mogar opens the backseat door and lifts Little Mack out of it. Silence all around for an uncomfortably long period of time. Steve has trouble coming to words, as he cannot realize what has just happened. Mogar then wraps both of his meaty arms around the now sentient amiibo, and proclaiming, "Mogar have a new family member!"

Steve is still trying to grasp some recollection of what has just happened, he then mumbles "A-are, you, th-that fucking toy?!"

Little Mac breaks away from Mogar's death grip and looks at Steve with a puzzled face. "I-I think so." Steve then reaches out to touch Little Mac, seeing how he feels. To his surprise it is not a plastic you feel but more of human flesh, Steve then says "Dear God.."

After an extremely lengthy conversation, and a very awkward car ride, the three men make it back to the house. Still not fully comprehending what had just happened. Steve unlocks the door, and walks in to find Summer sitting on the couch. Without turning away from the TV summer says "Hey guys I ordered pizza 'cause I didn't want any of your food so it'll be here in like 20 minutes."

Steve shambles through the door with Little Mac close behind. Mogar excitedly states, "Look at our new family member, Summer!"
Summer sits up and turns her head to see Little Mac shyly waving to her.
"Uhhhhhh." Summer puzzlingly says.

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