Chapter 36

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Wednesday, February 28
2:37 PM

"You're coming to the games this week right?" Mac leaned over to me as I sat on my phone.

"Back on this shit again?" I teased him.

"Well shoot don't go if you don't wanna" He put his hands up defensively.

I shook my head. "Probably not"

"Why" His tone was firm.

I looked around the classroom acknowledging the environment.

"Not everyone gets to skip school for a state championship" 

"Yeah but.." he sighed. "Damn"


I walked out onto the field feeling the frigid winter air start to give into the spring. It was still too cold to wear shorts, but I was hot if I wore a long sleeved shirt.

"Good afternoon ladies" Coach scanned the circle we formed around him.

"So what I have for our warm up is some ball control— don't move yet!" He glared at the girls who started to move away.

"And then some individual meetings. There are some new faces I would like to meet, and that need to get to know me"

Ball control was one of my favorite things to do, I was naturally good.

As we were working on different moves we started to practice our offense, I noticed the principal walk into the stadium and exchange a few words with Coach.

As the principal walked away Coach blew his whistle so we formed a circle at mid field.

"So as all of you probably know the boys are going to the state tournament. Seniors and Juniors are allowed by the school to skip that day to head down to wherever they're playing"

I perked up listening to him talk about the team.

"I'll gladly allow you to go to the first couple of games, but I'm gonna have to refrain you from the championship, if they make it"

My stomach dropped. "Why not" A sigh drew out.

"Well, I'd like to get several more practices before our first game. And you guys need to get to know each other better" He replied.

I scoffed and walked off to finish practice.


"Coach isn't letting us go to the ship if y'all make it" I said through the FaceTime call.

"Of course we're gonna make it" Mac smiled.

"I know, which makes it dumb"

"For what though?"

"Some team bonding stuff, it ain't necessary. You can't fix this team" I shook my head.

"They were really good a couple years ago weren't they? Or, when you were on there?"

"Hell Yeah! I carried those seniors" We both chuckled.

"Zac and I are gonna get you a scholarship to Georgetown" He grinned.

"Oh really?" I raised my brows.

"Hell yeah" He nodded.


Hey guys, sorry for the really long period of me not updating. But I'm sitting in Biology rn so here y'all go🤗

and this is super short lmaosksksjs

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