The f*ck? Today my old hag made me wear whatever to her heart's content. F*cking made me dress up as some maid cause 'cosplaying is all the rage.' Superheroes are whatever that's more for the nerds... All Might is my favorite too.
- Lord Explodo Murderer

That sounds terrible but I would've loved to seen the pictures! I can't believe you like All Might too! Just another thing we have in common I guess. I performed a solo piece on the piano at a concert. It was pretty cool don't tell anyone else though no one knows!
~ Green Bunny

Notes like these continued until it got to the point of deeper meaningful conversations.

Well until it got to the point of meeting each other face to face.

There's a f*cker who bothers you in gym right? He f*cking beats you up? I'll kill the bastard.
- Lord Explodo Murderer

It's not that bad. Plus he's kinda cute. I think he's just a little rough on the edges is all.
~ Green Bunny

Ehhhhhhhh? You think that f*cker is cute I bet he's a  f*cking ugly ass. I know that we're both guys. So does that mean you're into...?"
- Lord Explodo Murderer

I think you can't help who you love, girl or guy. I bet you're cute.
~ Green Bunny

Me!? Me f*cking cute? Hell no. I'm a sexy ass motherf*cker. This has be going on for ages can we just f*cking meet to get it over with?"
- Lord Explodo Murderer

Yeah. I'm curious too. We can meet Friday then? After school? At our locker?
~ Green Bunny

That was a few days away.

So I don't usually talk about this mushy f*cking stuff but I have this crush. Who it is isn't important... I wanna date them and f*cking kiss them but I'm pretty sure they don't really "know" me. Advice?
- Lord Explodo Murderer

Good luck. How could they not know you? I bet you're super popular. I'm not. Don't ask me, I'm the worst at giving advice but ya know I have this crush... too. I bet he'll find me disgusting if he ever finds out... I say just be yourself but a bit nicer? I don't know...
~ Green Bunny

PS excited to meet you!

A crush?! A CRUSH?! WHO THE F*CK DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON? I'LL F*CKIN MURDER HIS ASS. You're off limits ya know.
- Lord Explodo Murderer

So possessive and demanding, you sound like my boyfriend or something. But why am I off limits hmmm?
~ Green Bunny

Cause you're a pure f*cking angel and untarnished white rose. Any f*ckers who approach you tell them to f*ck off.
- Lord Explodo Murderer

Thanks! Don't go handing out with anyone either! Focus on your schoolwork. See you later...
I have green hair by the way.
~ Green Bunny

Spoken like a true nerd. See ya later.
- Not so anonymous stranger

This was it!

The big day.

I couldn't sit still during my classes.

It seemed like the student Katsuki Bakugou looked very distraught today.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Not now. Can you please f*ck off? I'm in a pretty bad mood."

"Bad mood? Come on it'll help to talk it out."

"F*cking Fine. There's this person I'm meeting today."


"I don't know why but I want to f*cking kill my emotions every time I think about them."

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