Bucky just shrugged and sat down on the couch. Sam did the same and the two remained silent. Not much happened for a while. Bucky sat on his own trying to inconspicuously play with Emma. He didn't want Sam to make fun of him for this. A few hours past even with nothing happening, this all stopped when a storm rolled in.

A loud clap of thunder echoed through the tower. Sam heard a whimper and glanced over to Bucky, he was staring out the window, looking panicked. When another loud crash came Bucky looked away and buried his face into his knees.

"Bucky? Are you alrigh-" Sam was cut off by another clap of thunder and the little bursting into tears, "Hey, it'll be okay. It can't hurt you." Sam lifted Bucky's face to look at him, "Hey, I promised your papa I would take care of you, that means I'm here to protect you. Nothing's going to get you while I'm here, okay."

"O-otay." Bucky replied shakily.

"Come here." Sam opened his arms to the little, who reluctantly fell into them, "See, I've got you."

"S-Sam?" Bucky grabbed the man's attention.


"Tank you."

"You're welcome." Sam picked up Bucky and headed for the elevator, "It's about lunchtime, let's go get something to eat." Once back to the floor Sam set Bucky his and Steve's couch and wrapped him up in the blanket. "Steve told me about all your little stuff, so do you want your pacifier?"

"Mhm." Bucky nodded.

"Okay, I'll get it for you. Will you be alright out here by yourself?" Sam checked with the little not wanting to make the situation worse.

Bucky nodded and sat on the couch waiting for Sam. He heard more thunder and hid himself under the blanket, covering his ears. He looked up when the blanket was pulled off of his body.

"Here buddy." Sam handed Bucky his pacifier.

Bucky slipped his pacifier into his mouth. He wrapped himself in the blanket and tried to block out the thunder.

"What should we have for lunch?" Sam asked the little.

"I dunno." Bucky answered.

Not long after Bucky replied he heard more thunder and curled up into a tight little ball. He let out a small whimper.

"We need to do something about that thunder, huh?" Bucky nodded, his eyes teary. "I think I have an idea." Sam pulled his phone and headphones out of his pocket and handed them to the little, "Here now you can watch something and you don't have to worry about the thunder."

"Tank you." Bucky replied while Sam helped him get to Netflix.

By the time the two had finally eaten lunch the worst of the storm was over and Bucky calmed down. Sam started to get more used to the whole babysitter thing and the boys were having a good time. 

When it was needed Bucky tried a change himself, he didn't want Sam changing him quite yet, they had only just begun to really get along. Bucky had a lot of trouble but succeeded for the most part. 

Eventually, bedtime rolled around. Sam had gone with Bucky to feed Clint's dog then gave him a list of simple tasks to do before bed.

"Sam?" Bucky called after he'd finished brushing his teeth.

"Yeah?" Sam replied walking into the bathroom.

"I tan't find Emma." Bucky answered.

"Your bear?" Bucky nodded, "She might be on the main floor still. Let's go check." 

Sam offered for Bucky to hop on his back. Bucky excepted the offer and jumped onto Sam's back. Sam gave the little a piggyback ride to the main floor and set him down on the couch. He found the stuffed bear and handed it to Bucky. The little smiled and hugged the plushie close to his body.

Soon enough Bucky was in bed fast asleep. Sam stayed up for a while longer before passing out on the couch.

The next morning Bucky woke up big. There was no need for a change in the morning but also no need for a diaper because he wasn't little and wasn't trying to force himself to be big. He took a shower and got dressed before finally going to get breakfast. Sam was still asleep when he got to the kitchen.

"Morning." Bucky said when Sam finally woke up.

"Morning." Sam replied, "So you're..."

"In a normal headspace." Bucky knew what he was talking about and finished the statement, "Yeah, just didn't feel little today."

"Alright." Sam yawned.

"You don't usually sleep in this late do you?" Bucky asked finishing his bowl of cereal.

"No, but I also don't normally take care of two year old ex-assassins all day." Sam replied.

My Baby BuckyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz