{I know… I just haven't spent enough time with her. We don't know what she could be doing with your soul. It could be anything for all we know!}

Ball and David’s soul were sitting on the floor in Ball’s room.

-So needless to say, Of odds and ends, But I'll be stumbling away, Slowly learning that
-life is ok, Say after me,
It's no better to be safe than sorry,
Taaaake oooon meeee!
take on me
Taaaake meeee oooon!
take on me
I'lllllllll beeeee gooooone
In a day or

Uh. Is that how it ends?
No. We would have to wait a bit if we were actually singing the song. It's more of an instrumental part.
I still do not understand what you like so much about music, or memes, or bagels.
I wish you would eat the heckin bagel already.
But I'm starving!!!
I would appreciate it if you just left my satisfied self alone. There are plenty of things to do in here that are not eating.
Maybe on the computer…
No, there are other things.

Ball looked over to the now, always open, supply closet.

We can paint.
I do so every week. Why not try together?
You like painting?
It is something to do, like role-playing, and listening to music.
Oh, so you don't like it, but you tolerate because it isn't nothing?

Ball walked over to the closet and swung it open completely. The boxes of rulers were still in there, along with paints and paper.
Ball hopped into the closet, and gripped a roll of giant paper in her teeth. She walked back out of the closet and tried to unroll it. Since it was so used to being rolled up, the paper tried to keep its shape.

I need heavy things on the corners to keep it down. Ball thought to herself. She unplugged the keyboard in the computer and used that as a heavy item, along with it was a chair wheel, a pillow and a yellow paint can.

I would use other paint cans, but they are not as big and therefore heavy as this yellow one here.

Why does Johnson give you entire paint cans? Does he expect you to paint the room?
I assume he is not much of an artist. Wish for me to draw anything? If not I will just start off with some zigzags.
Hmm. Draw my favorite tennis ball.

Ball thought about the color for a moment in abstract thought. She then hopped over to her bed and the computer.

Oh dear, no keyboard no computer.
What's wrong?
I need a picture of a tennis ball to draw one.
I think I know what one looks like.

David started to remember a time when he was bouncing it in his kitchen/dining room. It was a very strange moment, because Ball was also remembering this.
The tennis ball was tossed hard at the ground, as it hit a wall, and bounced back for a quick catch. Unfortunately the image of the actual tennis ball was blurry.

It is blurry.

Yeah hmm...

David used the memory for the basis of some imaginary work. He stopped the memory and caught the ball. He tried to look at it. The finalized image was still a little fuzzy, but at least it wasn't constantly moving.

I guess I can make it work.

Ball hopped off the desk, looked at the yellow paint can for a moment, and then went back to the desk to open a drawer. Inside was a slotted screwdriver. Ball placed it in her mouth and went back down to the paint can. She placed the metal end of the screwdriver under the paint can lid, let go, and then forced it down with her foot. The paint can lid popped off. Paint splattered randomly in small spots, but it didn't bother them.

Wow Ball. I'm surprised you get around so well without any hands.
I can do just about anything you can do, but for me it just tends to take longer. I am not really interested in getting arms if I could. I am armless and proud.
Yeah, you say that now, but then arrives a way to make new limbs or a robotic arm. What then?
It's a temptation. Depends on circumstance.

Hmm…. Hey Ball, are you feeling ok? I feel like you've been kinda distant lately.
Johnson is bumming me out remember? Also those space objects...and Craeggs, and how people treat me like I am an enemy to all the human race….
Oh Ball.
It is not winter yet, but to me everyone is cold…
That's kinda poetic.
Poetry, or any clever wordplay, is emotions carried through verbal communication. They become more than words.

Ball dipped her foot into the paint can and began to paint a yellow circle with it.

What is anything in the scheme of things really? If I am an object who is alive, what truly separates me from the wall or the carpet? A soul? What is life? How am I alive that makes me different? I will die someday, and who really knows where I will go. Who really cares? Why be alive, if I will have to die? What is its value if it doesn't last? Why be alive when half the school wants me dead? Is there nothing that can make me happy?

Ball… Ball please don't consider suicide, if that's what you're thinking. Know that every day might not always be the best, but the thing is, is that it just means that your best days are ahead of you. Ruts are hard, but once they're over you'll barely remember them. Just stay positive, but also know that you are in charge of your own happiness. I can only help you so much, but whatever you need I will be there for you. I will never leave you. Besides… we're all we've got.

Thank you David. I wish I could help you as much as you help me.

Ball went back up to the drawer to fetch white out. She then hopped back down and waited for the yellow circle to dry a little.

But Ball, you do help me. You are the only one who actively seeks out my company. Humans are social, and I've been lonely a long time Ball. You know, when I first saw you, I just couldn't stop thinking about you. I was so curious about everything that had to do with you.
Really? About me? I know nothing. I am too young. how could I be interesting?

Ball took the white out and began to paint a white line on the tennis ball.

Well there’s something divine about being new. You have so much to learn about and experience. I know I always talk about people wanting to see how human you are, but that's because I was curious about it when we first started to hang out.
I was expecting to find you blanking like a chatbot trying to prove it's human, but instead I discovered that you are incredibly talented, and just soo curious. I had so much fun introducing you to the world. Before that I didn't even like to think the world was that great. But now I look out for more interesting things in the world, just like you do. Your new eyes opened up my own.

Ball got out a black marker, and began waiting for the paint to dry a little more.

You must be exaggerating when you talk about me that way.

Oh, well maybe a little. I know you're not perfect but you don't have to be. I understand you, and I can't even really give justice how it feels to just have a conversation with you, and if my words sound exaggerated it's just because my emotions can't be said, because it's too complex.

Ball smiled.

Like poetry.
I am very glad, and lucky, to have you David. I do not say it enough, but your company is not just a way of protecting myself, or to follow through on a school set friend system. I enjoy talking with you as well as you do with me. Talking with you is always enlightening. You always know what to say, and always listen to what I have. I do not think I can phrase it as well as you did.
You don't have to.

Ball continued to smile for a little longer, but it dipped with the doubt of worse days.

...You are not mad about the gummies?
It, disturbs me. But it's not like you ever meant for me to get... sick. Worst case scenario I die ok.
What if there is something worse?
I donno. But, we'll find a way out of it no matter what. I mean it when I say I'll never leave you. This isn't your fault Ball, so you shouldn't feel guilty.

Ball drew a little face and legs on the tennis ball using the marker. It was a lot like herself.

Than whatever happens, I will not leave you either.

BFDI: Golf Ball And The Yoyle Humans 3Where stories live. Discover now