Till now, I always got by on my own

Start from the beginning

I'm not sure how much time passes whilst me and Harry stand chatting at the end of the bar, but I know I manage to consume another two drinks and a large glass of water whilst we laugh and joke together happily. I am surprised to find myself realising, as I watch Harry swirl his own drink around in its glass, that he and I are actually becoming friends. Not what I expected from this tour at all.

"So c'mon, are you gonna grace us with another song before they close up for the night?" Harry asks me, glancing down at the screen on his phone to check the time "Half hour left 'till closing!"
"Which one of us here is the professional? I don't see you running over to put your name down!" I tease him.
"That's different, most of the people in here have to listen to me sing day in day out; whereas I'd hazard a guess, that the only person who's heard you perform properly is, Clark, after his little stunt earlier," He says
"Yeah.. remind me to hit him for that later would you? He's a git. He totally did that on purpose, he's not actually heard me sing since my brothers last big birthday party a few years back." I tell him.
"No chance! I couldn't be happier that he made you do that. Otherwise, god knows when I'd have gotten to hear you sing." He says
"He could have picked a better place. I was warned by like.. everyone, that I shouldn't let Jeff know about my aspirations to be a singer. I was doing an ok job of that right up until Clark shoved that microphone under my nose."

"Ah, don't worry about Jeff. Honestly, he's a good guy. A little protective sure, but I'll talk to him." Harry reassures me. "Actually, I should probably go back and check-in with him really."
"I do seem to have stolen you away somewhat, sorry, you should get back over to your friends." I agree.
"I'm with one of my friends now." He says, staring deep into my eyes and for a moment I forget how to breathe, I wonder if he realises just how intimidating it is when he does that. I shake my head slightly to clear the fog settling over me as he continues "But I am being rude, it was great talking to you Maddie." he says and drains his drink before making his way back down to the other end of the bar, stopping for a moment to have a quick chat to the DJ on his way.

"Bathroom. Now!" Sammy's voice screams into my ear, seemingly having appeared from nowhere. She thrusts her hand into mine and literally yanks me off in the direction of the ladies room, causing me to slip and slide slightly on the highly polished dance floor in my heels and make me wish I'd left my shoes off earlier.

"What on earth?" I question as she spins me around to face her and begins to check under the stall doors for feet. A few moments later, seemingly satisfied with her search, she hops up onto the counter next to the sink and puts her head in her hands.

"I kissed Freddie." She mumbles through her fingers, and I have to strain my ears to hear her over the volume of the latest karaoke track. Someone, or more accurately, several someones are singing "You'll Never Walk Alone" At the top of their lungs. Brave choice to sing the Liverpool Football club anthem in a Manchester bar I think to myself as I shout back to Sammy.

"So? You already slept with him. What difference does it make if you kiss him? Am I missing something?" I ask her, utterly confused.
"You don't get it! I wanted to kiss him! Like, really wanted to!" She admits, finally taking her hands away from her face and looking me in the eye.
"Ah, I see. Well, that complicates things. Do you like him then?" I asked, jumping up onto the counter next to her and immediately regretting it as I feel what I hope is just tap water, seeping through the thin fabric of my dress.

"I.. No!! I mean, I don't think so. I can't, can I? It's Freddie for fuck's sake. And, I can't get into a relationship with another member of the crew!" She wails loudly.
"Sammy, honey, you're drunk. And I think you're really overreacting here. Why don't we go and get you a glass of water and then we'll get a cab back to the hotel and talk all this out?" I suggest rubbing her back with my hand.

Sammy nods unhappily and darts into a stall to grab some toilet roll, dabbing it under her eyes to mop up the few tears she has shed, whilst trying not to disrupt her mascara. I notice idly that the music outside has stopped, thank god for that. Hopping down off the counter I glance into the large mirrors above the sinks and make a pitiful attempt to tame my hair with my fingers, my perfectly styled 'do' from earlier seems to have somewhat collapsed.

"Did you hear that?" Sammy asks.
"Hear what?"
"I thought I heard... Never mind," she says and goes back to fixing her own hair.
With a sigh I pull my lip gloss from my bag and place the wand to my lips.. but the moment I do the door to the bathroom crashes open with a loud smash, making me jump and wipe lip gloss all over my teeth. Wonderful.

"What the fuck, Clark!" Sammy shouts as Clark appears in the now very open doorway.
"They're calling you Kiddo," He says with a smile.
"Erm, who's calling me for what now?" I ask him, perplexed, as I try and rub the lip gloss off with my index finger. "C'mon!" He replies and grabs my wrist, pulling me out of the door
"What is with you people manhandling me tonight? Do you not think I can walk??" I chastise him unhappily, rubbing my wrist when he finally let's go, and that's when I see the DJ standing, arm outstretched, proffering me a microphone. Over his shoulder, seated right at the back of the room with Jeff and a few friends, I see Harry flash me a huge smile, before raising his glass in the air as if to toast me. And I realise I've been set up. Again. Shit.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I say, too loudly, the microphone which is now just inches from my mouth reverberates the words all around the bar, and the majority of the crowd collapses into fits of giggles. Excellent work Mads. "Sorry," I say again, taking the microphone and speaking directly into it this time. I don't want to be a killjoy or get a reputation for being no fun, so I grasp the microphone a little more tightly and prepare myself.

"Erm, would someone like to at least tell me what I'm singing?" I ask no one in particular, and the DJ very helpfully points at the screen, not two feet in front of me which already has the track loaded. One I am assuming Harry picked out.

Sighing, I look over my shoulder to throw one last dirty look at Mr Styles as the opening bars begin to play, but of course, he's no longer sat half the bar away safely hidden away with Jeff and firmly out of my eye line. But standing just off to my right, flanked by Freddie, Clark and Sammy. The latter of whom both have their phones held up in front of their faces, clearly recording me. I just about manage to give them all what I hope is a withering look before the vocals kick in, at least its a song I know well at least, that should save me from making a total prat out of myself.

I hear the ticking of the clock,
I'm lying here the rooms pitch dark.
I wonder where you are tonight,
No answer on the telephone.
But the night goes by so very slow,
Oh, I hope that it won't end though

'Till now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone?
How do I get you alone?

As Hearts eighties rock ballad blares around the room, I do my best not to look at my little fan club, who are now all stood swaying in unison and cheering as I belt out the high notes. As I reach the final chorus, I take a deep breath and focus my eyes on the green emergency exit sign above the main door. Letting my mind drift as I sing the last few bars and starting to mentally plan how best to get my revenge on a certain curly-haired rock-star.

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