Chapter 30 King Damash of Kandasi kingdom.

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Seated in the throne room of Wildan's father was the king, King Damash, Wildan, princess Armani, their two warlock,  Badir who now wears attire like a rich lord, Gabar, some guards, and the lords of the kingdom.

"I am still at lost on what to do, high king, we are the remaining two" King Kandasi said with hidden worries

"Am also lost of words, it seems the child of the prophecy is so determined" the high king said and sighed,

"Father, please do not worry, i shall be here, no harm will befall you" Wildan said,

"Young prince is right, you should worry less my king" Aidaza said,


Days later after king Sidi's death, Zuhaira decided something on her own, and in the afternoon when she was sure everyone was busy, she walked up to Heeba,

"i want to go  somewhere and i was thinking if you might want to settle some score"

Heeb was mouth agape but nodded, "good by the veil now" with that Zuhaira went out and as she hurried to veil she closed her connection with Marwan,

Heeba met her by the veil, "what do you have in mind" she asked as they went out,

"The high kingdom" she said,

"So soon" Heeba asked,

"Yes, Gabar hinted me of something"

"I just hope it's not a trap,  i don't trust him " Heeba said

"Me neither but i trust mother Azura" Zuhaira said with that she made a portal and appeared right on the corridor filled with guards leading to the door of the throne room,

The guards were all startled to see her and Heeba appearing.

Back in the throne room, they were all in the mist of various discussion with the lords gone,  when they  heard shouts and sounds of sword outside,

"On guard" Gabar shouted and the ten armed soldiers stood in position, Armani and Wildan brought out their sword ready for anything,

They listened for some moments just then the heavy doors went off their hinges and thrown side ways, and then they all saw,

a girl of not more than 17, she wore only a strapped black fur clothing to cover her  chest leaving her shoulders and mid riff bare, then blacl Skinny pants with knee length booths, her long hair in a single alternative braid running from her shoulder down to her feet, a multi colour stone on her forehead and also tiny golden stones, she was as beautiful as anything they have ever come across but yet so dangerous,

Everyone except Badir and of cause prince Wildan knew her by her name, and also Gabar who was mouth shut,

She walked in majestically and stopped a soldier who lashed at her with a sword and in one swift motion he had his sword deep inside his chest, and the little movement made her back and the etched raven visible to them all,

"impossible" Aidaza said,

"What, who is she" King Kandasi asked in a state of panic,
"the etched raven, she is the child" Aidaz said and stood up followed by the warlock,

"Attack" Armani shouted at the soldiers who at first were hesitant, but charged, Zuhaira waved her hand and all of the nine guards were thrown to different part of the solid roofing and fell down unconscious,

"What...., Aidaz didn't finish his words because she muted him,

"First, am going to hurt you" she said pointing at King Kandasi,

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