Chapter 13 HEEBA

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I don't know if what i and Princess Armani heard the other from a Gohar was a good news or a bad on, but Aidaza made it clear, by attacking and killing the Gohars we will stop a part of the prophecy from coming to pass,

But killing the innocents lives will be merciless and am not ready for that, am not even in support, but it has being set, i will lead the army from our kingdom and other princes and heira will lead theirs, together each kingdom's sorcerer will open a portal and the Gohar will lead us in, princess Armani was already excited at all this and so do other princes,

But i wasn't, i wish there was a way to stop this, but i promised to save my father, and i must do it, so i joined in the preparation but yet to set an eye on the Gohar betraying his kind.


Heeba was seated in her room with Nadra and Laila, "my eyes are on her, i still don't trust her, i keep on having these dreams and i believe Zuhaira will be the one to betray us" Heeba said,

"Then lets tell the council, she should be banished before she brings harm to us" Laila said,

"Talking about whom" Ameer asked coming in,

"Zuhaira, Heeba thinks and has being having this dream about Zuhaira betraying us" Nadra said

Ameer chuckled and said "Zuhaira won't do that, she will never do that, besides its all because you don't like her, but if you get to know her, you will find out that she is nice"

"That girl is far from nice, she is a proud fool, who seeks attention of others" Heeba Spat, Ameer got angry and said "you know you should be thankful to her because if not for her, you wouldn't be anything in father's eyes but a disappointment, because that shield from the dilawar, you need to be thankfully to her" on saying that he hissed and went out,

Heeba was shocked and at the same time furious, Nadra and Laila exchange looks and looked at Heeba who was heating up in anger,

"He didn't mean it" Laila said,

"Am sure he said that to anger you up and to cover up for that girl, we all know he has a soft spot, Nadra said, but Heeba didn't listen to them instead she headed out in anger,

"Where is Zuhaira" Heeba asked by the gate to the prophets house as she met Yelda and Wahab,

"Forests and busy" Yelda said coldly, Heeba turned to go, Yelda and Wahab meant to follow her, but suddenly Yalina called "Yelda, Wahab, come help me here"

"Mother i.... "now Yelda, now yelda" she called sounding impatient,

"I have a bad feeling about this" she said to Wahab as they watch Heeba's retreating figure on the route to the forest,

"Wahab, Yelda"

"Coming" the two chorused and went back.


i was with Marwan in his huge form in deep inside the forest practicing on how to shield myself, Marawan was the one blowing balls of fire from his mouth to me, yes a new ability of his i recently got to know,

He was sure not to hurt me as i shield away the balls, just when sensed a presence, on turning he turned to his small form and then Heeba appeared, she was in anger as she headed towards me,

"Is it true" she asked her eyes red in anger,

"What" i inquired, just when an arrow came whizzing towards me but i dodged and it pierced a branch, she just attempted to kill me because she aimed at my forehead, my stone,

Marwan gave a loud growl, "DONT" i stopped him, "you will regret this" i said to her,

"Did you forfeit to me on my father's order" she asked tearfully, and that struck me, she was now in tears,

"Heeba i did it because...... "you did what" she yelled and in a flash she threw three arrows towards me, i bent backwards and let them whiz pass me, "really Heeba that's not helpful" i said trying to talk sense into her, and Marwan was growling, "don't change and let me tackle this" i ordered him because i can feel his anger,

"How dare you, you mock me, you mock my worthiness" she yelled as she ran to me and aim a blow at me, i parried it with my palm and decided to defend myself, there we started a hand and leg physical combat, exchanging and aiming blows after blows, kicks after kicks,

Heeba i won't lie is another strong girl, infact this is the first time i an Heeba had a fight like this, but it's a well-known fact that i or Heeba are the most efficient fighters in our generation, except that i am the most skillful and the agile one.

I didn't use any of my powers on her or summoned a weapon because if i do so, she won't stand a chance and so decided to fight her how she asked for it.

We still were fighting when at the time, she aim a kick at my stomach with her foot, i caught with agility and twisted, enough to make her cry out and not to break her,

On crying out i pushed her to the ground, when we a loud sound of a horn, "trouble" Marwan said in my head, i and Heeba exchange looks and without thinking twice, i pulled her up and the three of us, ran off to the community.

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