Chapter 5 CARELESS

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In the night during the celebration of the champion Heeba and the other champions for making it to the semi final, Zuhaira was yet to be seen, Yelda and Wahib couldnt tell where she was, even Marwan couldn't get her through their connection, she had blocked him out, surprisingly even Heeba seems to be looking round every now and then as if in search of someone.


I was seated in a cave full of blue lights and a blue pond, it has being my hide out everytime i want to be alone, no one knows about it yet, i knew i was being looked for, and i felt Marwan every now and then tugging on our connection, i blocked him, i just want to be alone, am not worried about the loss, i just have mixed emotions, i feel proud of myself for doing what i did, and still sacred of the ordeal i went through, everything felt real to me, the killings, the bodys, everything, and now i feel, as if something has being awaken in me, and the dragon called me daughter of Zahara,

Who is Zahara, things just keeps getting complicated, i groaned for the hundred time i guess,

When i stood up to go, i knew it was midnight, so i headed down,

On reaching the edge of the forest i heard loud drums, "Yeah the celebration" i muttered, i walked futher bracing myself for questions,

"Where have you being" asked an elderly woman with concern as i near the feast,

"Just away, but am fine" i said with smiles, she nodded and said "you did bravely my dear", i nodded and walked on,

"Seriously where have you being" asked Yelda running towards me with Marwan right behind her, who gave me an annoyed growl, i unblocked our connection and at ones the two started bickering, one in my mind and one out loud, just when Wahib came, "hey Haira, lets dance" he said and pulled me to the middle of the hopping dance in pairs, i gladly accepted it,

As we dance i laughed, atleast being with Wahib you get to enjoy yourself, after the dance i and Wahib settled for food, Yelda and Marwan came up to me again,

"We were worried" Yelda said as she sat down, "i wanted some time alone" i said with a shrug,

"I wanted to tell you, what i saw, it was sacry Haira" she said sounding scared, i sighed and added "it felt real" ,

"I saw things......i...."you know what, its best when we don't talk about it, it will help" i said interrupting her,

"Owkey, i guess so" she said and grinned,

I was seated alone by the food, i wasn't eating just watching the people, when Ameer joined me,

"Hey" he said as he sat down,

"Hey" i replied,

"You were wonderful" he said,

"How did you know that" i asked quirking my eyebrow,

"Haira, we were seeing everything but inside the cave, we saw all of you" he said, i gave a soundless 'oh' and he nodded,

"So we saw you reach the cave first, then almost an hour later my sister joined you, you came out empty handed and she came out with the treasure", now my heart was beating furiously, just when the chief came up to us,

"Father" Ameer said,

"Son" he answered and turned to me, "thank you" he said to me,

"I didn't do it for you" i said bluntly and coldly, the cheif sighed and decided not to talk any futher and went away, i turned to Amir, his expression was that of anger,

"He made you do it, he did it" he asked,

"Do what" i asked feigning ignorance,

"Gemitez, he asked you to, forfeit to Heeba, and you did, how could you" he said,

"Ameer, there is more to the story, Heeba won, accept it" i said dismissively,

"No she didn't" he said "you know what, i you weren't being heroic, you were stupid enough to let yourself be used like that" he said and walked away, believe me, i was hurt, "is it true" asked Yelda who was behind me,

"Yelda please" i said,

"No, i will understand if you that to anyone but not Heeba" she said with anger, just when there was a loud cheers because Heeba opened her chest to discover a round bronze colour shield,

Yelda gave me a look full of contempt and then walked away, even Marwan walked away from me, i sighed and headed home, to find Azura by our tent,

"Am proud of you" she said opening her hands wide for me, and then tears welled up in my eyes, i ran to her and she engulfed me in an embrace, "Arash, told me everything" she said as she gently pats me, "the dragon" she added, i nodded as i cried on her,

She pulled me in and sat me down,

"He said, i should give you this" she said and brought out a cloth wrapped round something, on unwrapping it, there were two white gold arm shield , on each shield a dragon breathing out fire was engraved on each, "he said, it is the gift from his kind, and gives you his blessings " Azura added, what she said didn'take any sense to me, but what was infront of me was beautiful and i fell inlove with it,

"With this shield, is the sword of Raahil, which one day you will set to seek when the time comes", i nodded without understanding anything as she place the whole cloth on my hand.


The next morning Zuhaira waited on bed for Yelda to come wake her up but she didn't, so she woke up and soon changed into a cream tank like furry top which was halve and white skinny leather trousers with black heeled booths, she braided her hair in two pigtails and each tail running down her chest almost pass her waist,

On coming out she saw Yelda and Marwan playing ball with some kids, it was lessons free day, and i knew the two were still angry with me, so i didn't bother disturbing them by talking to her or by tugging on our connection with Marwan which he blocked, so after breakfast which i and Yelda sat apart, i decided to do something different,

I decided to do something that breaks the law a bit, to sneek outside the community through the veil, i sometimes do that with Yelda, and we even have a favorite spot,

So i grabbed one of my face mask which was white and silky, it covers my whole face to except my eyes,

So when i sneaked out through the veil, i appeared in the desert, it is known that no one passing by will see the veil, unless he or she is granted passage by any of the members of the community, but no one will, because we have trust issues with the outsiders as we call them,

It is said that the outsiders were the reasons why we live in the hides, they once grew greedy and jealous of our powers of the gemstone, so they started killing and harvesting the stones from, chests and foreheads of the our kind, or will i say there kind, because am yet to know who my kinds are, not thay i don't Believe all this stories,

I do but, i want adventures, and during our trips we have spied on alot of passers by but avoided being seen,

The maidens dress in huge long dress, while the men dress somehow owkey to us, and all of their eyes are just dull brown or black, to me there is nothing special about them but their life style still intrests me, another thing of intrests its how their world sometimes gets cold, sometimes so hot, sometimes water drops from the skies, but in our community it's nothing like that, Its just cool and airy,

And i sometimes see them riding horses, or tall animals with long necks and bald heads,

So today as i went out, i went to our favorite spot, which was not far from the veil, it was also sandy but the sand there are grasses and a pond, it was downhill and a good place to bask in the hot, so on reaching there, i laid on my back on a mat i came with and even went to the extent of removing my mask, i closed my eyes to enjoyed the moments.

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