And I am one hundred percent sure that there is no one in this world who knows you better than I know you. But in spite of all of this, Sky, I don't think I'll ever in my life be able to associate the girl I've known my whole life with the girl who was about to kill herself last night... And that fucking scares me."

I bite down on my lip, "Sky you're my rock, you know that right? Since the day I met you you have been what fueled me - you were my source of strength since day one. Do you have any idea what it's like to see all that you've ever known about strength crumble before your eyes? It makes you start to question your own strength... Seeing you so raw and vulnerable... It wasn't easy. I mean who would have ever thought that the girl who could move mountains and slay dragons would ever need saving?"

I sigh and my eyebrows come together, "Remember when we were younger and you talked about how you'd be some guy's 'princess charming'? Things were a lot easier then, weren't they? It was easier to believe that you could be strong enough to save both you and someone else. And I know that the older we got and the more challenging our battles became, you stopped believing that. But you wanna know something? Despite everything, you still managed to do it."

I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath, "I want so badly to be mad at you, Sky. I mean, you've spent the past 15 years telling me how invincible we are and then you go against everything you made me believe by standing on the edge of that roof," I run a hand across my face, "But I can't do that. I can't be mad at you. Because to be mad at you would be so unfair.

Because really, I'd be less mad at you and more mad at myself for allowing me to depend on something that doesn't last; something so fragile. And I think, without really being aware of it, that has always scared me. It scared me to think how much I needed you in my life because just the idea of you not being in it anymore was unbearable.

That's why it was so hard for me when you left after middle school. And why it was so hard for me when you came back. I thought this relationship we had between us - this dependency we had on each other - was unhealthy. Because in the end I knew it was going to hurt like hell if we ever lost each other... it'd be like having your spine ripped from you and taken away.

But last night showed me that it wasn't like that.

I mean yeah you were my backbone growing up, but throughout that time you have helped me create my own backbone. You've helped me keep it from breaking and when something out of your control did happen to fracture it, you helped me mend it again.

I've come to realize that everything is fragile, Sky. Everything is bound to break. And everyone has a short period of time before we completely shatter into a million pieces. But in the meantime, we can choose whether or not to stay in one spot our entire lives, too afraid to break... or we can choose to roll around, jump, dance... fly... and live life as if we're unbreakable. And you know what? You can stop people from slipping, you can stop people from crashing, you can even take the fall for someone, but I don't think there is anything that anyone could ever do for someone that is greater than making that person feel unbreakable. And you managed to do that for the both of us. Because it's that feeling of being unbreakable that saves us. Otherwise, we'd allow the world to crush us.

Like it almost did with you...

Skylar, you're gonna wake up and you're gonna look at me with those bright blue eyes of yours and you're gonna tell me that I saved you. But I didn't. I may have pointed out what was in front of you, but you chose not to fall. I always thought being unbreakable meant that you never fell, but it's not. Being unbreakable is going through shit that trips you and still surviving the fall. It was your choice to save yourself. And that was what saved me. Because the only dragon that I ever truly had in my life was the dragon that was about to push you off that building. But you slayed that thing like there was no tomorrow and even though you came out of that battle with tears on your face and blood on your skin, you still won. You still won."

Infinity and Beyond (Magcon/Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now