Tag #5

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Hello wonderful people!

I finally decided to do all the tags I missed! At least most of them.  I'm not going to say who tagged me because too much people has. It's not that I'm busy, I'm just enjoying summer right now. Sometimes, you just need to chillax. On with the tags!

1. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
That can answer with the next question...

2. Pee or 💩
See, I told you it would answer the first question. And what kind of question is this? I'm not answering this 💩 .

3. What's one thing you hate/dislike?

4. At what age would you date?
In my early 20s. What?! This girl is desperate for romance ❤️.

5. Name one horrible thing that has happen to you.
When I was a younger, I went down some stairs with my BFF at the time (it's a girl). We were holding hands and singing. Then, one of us missed a step and we both went tumbling down the concrete stairs. I ended up with a bloody nose and bloody lips. That's why my lips looks like Kylie Jenner except it's all natural. 😏

6. Memes or bias?

7. Table or chair?
Table because you can sit on it too.

8. Village or city?
City because me like noise! 🎉

9. Soup or dried?
Anything that's food.

10. Soda, Juice or water?
Soda and juice. For some reason, I don't really like water. 

11. Chips or vegetable?
As I stated above, food = me

12. Oven or rice cooker?
Oven because it's potentials are endless.

13. At what times do you become so energetic that you start to act like you're high?
At night, when I lack sleep, or when I see food. I can't control myself sometimes.

14. Going back to being a child or becoming an adult.
I think there's advantages in both. I always wanted to turn back time and be a child again. That time the world was beautiful and innocent in my mind. Life was simple and you don't have a care in the world. Then being an adult, you have all these special privileges. You can drive, live on your own, pick your own future, and so much more. However, the stress is real and you have to find your own place in this complex society. So I want to do both.

15. Bags or plastic bags?
TFBOYS promotes the protection of environments so I pick bags.

On to the next tag...

On to the next tag

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