13 Facts About Me!

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I got tagged by slendersblacksmile luvkuma luhan-tfboys

13 Facts About Me!

1. I'm in 9th grade. Going into 10th grade.

2. I'm taking advance classes. Basically, taking class ahead of my grade level. Basically I'm what you call a smartass. 😂😂

3. I play lead snare drum in marching band. Lots practices and fierce competition with my friends. My wrists literally feel like its going to fall off after every marching band rehearsal. I have my first parade for this year on Monday!

4. I play the piano since I was in second grade. I'm not that good though. I rarely get time to practice so doing lessons I hope my fingers remember what its suppose to do with the two-hour practice I squeezed in my schedule.

5. I use to hate writing. Then, I fell in love. Before my English was bad and because of that I couldn't read much books. My mom made me write. And that really help spark my interest in writing. Shout out to you Mom!

6. I have loads of tests, finals, and regents next month. 😫😫

7. I'm working on a Chinese fanfic right now. It should probably be published in this summer. I decided that I need to improve my Chinese for TFBOYS. So this fanfic in Chinese came up. Man, it is hard! I had go digging in the back of my brain. I'll have to read more Chinese writings.

8. I have 5000+ TFBOYS photos. I just uploaded a bunch on to my laptop. My phone ran out of storage. 😂😂 It was sad deleting all those photos from my phone.

9. I have a problem with buying pretty covered notebooks. Whenever I buy one, I never use it. I don't want to mess up the pretty pages!

10. My favorite TFBOYS song is 我们的时光 Our Time. I like all the other songs too but this one has a really nice backbeat. I'm trying to learn the dance too. Really, I look like a octopus 🐙

11. I want to write Chapter 7 of The Search of Me but I haven't had time with all the reviews and studying for the test. 😭😭

12. I like to drink coffee with lots of milk, sugar, and cream. My American friends are like: "You drink fake coffee." 😂😂

13. I luv all you guys! ❤️💚💙🧡 #Cloversforever

I tag:
@ Anyone else who passes by 😁😁

Peace out ✌🏻

Peace out ✌🏻

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