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Watch the bottom video first.

I'll give you a moment to collect your thoughts.

After watching this video, one word came out of my mouth: Wow. Karry's growing too fast!!!!

Even if you don't understand Chinese, I think you get the point of the video. This takes great acting to achieve though. He literally has to smile at nothing and push and touch air
(I watched the behind-scene for this mini-movie). I have to say Karry's acting skills improve so much!!! I'm so proud of him. Also, does the animated girl count as Karry's first on-scene girlfriend. 😱😱 I'm going to cry the day the main girl character changes into a real person.

Roy has a new song in case you guys didn't know! Actually, he just took the first song he written and tweaked the lyrics and musics. It definitely shows his songwriting skills has improved. Really excited future works.

Jackson is just amazing. I love how concentrated he's on dancing. He's my motivation in my dance class. The other my dance teacher pulls up a video of Jackson dancing and she said, "This how I want you guys to dance. With confidence and swag." You just find clovers everywhere nowadays.
Dream a little everyone.

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