Tag #4

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Hi peeps! I was tagged by a ton of people and I'm doing this one for now.

Warning ⚠️
I'm doing this tag on a school bus going to an amusement park. Spelling and grammar might be wonky due to the lack of sleep and being hit by a cupid's arrow. You have been warned.

1) What do you think the most?
One thing: TFBOYS

2) What's your favorite season and why?
Summer because no school. I'm free!!! Also, TFBOYS anniversary concert always is in the summertime

3) What scares you the most?
Spiders and insects

4) What's your worst phobias?
Again spiders and insects

5) What makes you happy the most?
Hanging out with my friends and crush 😏

6) What do you usually do in your free time?
Writing, listening to music, practicing piano, being a weirdo in my room.

7) If you have a living chicken, would you stick your bias's picture on the chicken's face?
I might but the picture will change everyday.

8) How many piercings you have?
One on each ear so two.

9) What's your favorite flower?
Sunflower 🌻

10) What do you want to do with your future significant other?
Be happy everyday.

11) How do you describe your future significant other?
The hottest guy on earth: Yi Yang Qian Xi. I should change that to the hottest guy in the universe. Just kidding. I just want a guy whose treats me like a princess. He has to be tall and somewhat good-looking. What? I'm thinking for my future generations.

12) Do you have long hair or short hair?
I have long hair. It took two years for to grow it. I think I'm going to chop it off. It's annoying to wash and style.

13) Describe yourself (honest answers)
I'm weird AF. I'm quiet when you first meet me but then you don't know what I can't do. My friends are like: You're on drugs.

14) What items do you always take with you? 
Phone, earbuds, keys, and hopefully I don't forget my brain.

15) Will you laugh like there's no tomorrow if there's that one specific memories visit you in your head uninvited?
Yes. I actually had that happen. I was dying of laughter 😂😂😂😂

16) What's the craziest thing you thought of doing and did you ever thinking about making it real?
I thought about confessing  to my crush and I did it. Next question!

17) What's the latest song you listened to?
The Wrong Things by Roy Wang 💚💚

18) Do you have a pet?
I had a goldfish. It now lives in the sewer.

19) What animal do you want as pet?
Corgi (Type of dog)

20) Name one reason to love you.
I'm amazing.

21) lallalalalalalalalala or lululululululululu?
What kind of question is this? Lalalalalalalala

22) What will you do if you met your enemies?
Pretend they're thin air

23) What if someone have a crush on you?
I'll get to know them and see if I like them back

24) What's your surname?
It rhymes with orange in Chinese (橙)
You guys figure it out.

25)What's your favorite part of you?
That I'm a daredevil. 😈

26) Kittens or puppies?
Both. They're so adorable 🤗🤗

27) Babies or toddlers?
None. Babies are a huge responsibility and toddlers are so energized that I can't keep up with them

28) Do you hug things when you're sleeping?
My pillow and blanket.

29) How's life going buddy?
Heavenly. I'm on a three hour drive to an amusement park with friends and crush. It's a band trip. My crush just bought me a coffee. He remembered all the stuff I like in my coffee!Sip. ☕️

30) Cartoon, films/movies or dramas?
Dramas. I like the anticipation.

31) Do you have siblings?
Yes. A younger sister and brother.

32) When did you joined Wattpad and what time in what day?
I joined last September I think. It was on a sunny afternoon

33) Did you get stalked before?
No. I hope I wouldn't be.

34) Do you have a secret admirer?
I wish.

35) Trees or flowers? 
Flowers. They're pretty.

36) How many childrens do you want and what gender?
Two children: A boy and a girl. The boys has to be older than the girl so he can protect her.

37) Do you have a mustache?
I am a girl!

38) What's your favorite snack?
Chips and chocolate.

39) How's your day going on?
I am the sun ☀️

40) What do you think about this crappy tag? (Honest opinion)
I don't think it's crappy. It was pretty fun.

 It was pretty fun

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