Chapter 10

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Clary's POV:

(3 months later, big leap sorry not sorry)

I hugged Gilinsky, we started dating a week after homecoming, and I still haven't talked to Sam.

"Bye baby ill miss you" he squeezed me, "it's only for like four days you'll get over it you big baby" I winked, "ill miss you too" I pecked his lips.

Today is the day that the boys were leaving for Magcon, I drove them up to the airport.

They started walking and I waved bye, they told me I couldn't leave until the took off, or they would kill me.

So I waited for a while they texted me telling me there took off.

I started driving back to my house, It started pouring down rain.


I pulled in my drive way, and I saw Sam sitting on my door step.

I got out and walked over to him, he had his head in his hands, he was soaked, "Sam?" I asked, "it's my parents, they are getting a divorce" he told me looking up at me, I sat down next to him, and he hugged me, nuzzling his face in my neck.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Stay so strong?"

"You still have both of them, not just in the same house, they aren't going to love you any different."

"Come on lets get you inside" I pulled him up, I brought him inside my house, I grabbed some extra clothes and a towel for him.

I handed it to him, "thanks" he smiled, "welcome."

"I missed you" he told me, "I missed you too" I told him, he leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back. There was the same feeling, the butterfly's the sparks.

I walked backwards, I laid back on my bed, he crawled on top of me. He grabbed his shirt and started pulling it off, he connected the kiss again, I ran my hands down his abs. I sat up and pulled off my shirt, he started kissing down my neck, leaving love bites.

I let out a moan, then my phone went off, I grabbed it as he continued kissing down my neck to my collar bone.

'Jack Gilinsexy: Miss you babe just landed!'

It had a picture of the jacks holding up a sign that had Jack and Jack on it.

I groaned, oh god Jack.

I'm dating him, and I'm sitting here making out with his best friend.

"Sam" I pushed him off of me.

"I'm dating Gilinsky, I shouldn't have kissed you back."

"You wanna know what your boyfriend did? He told me that I wasn't good for you, told me I shouldn't be with you, made me believe that I wasn't good for you, he had to get me out of the picture, so he could get in. I believed him and Clary trust me I regretted it, I missed you, and things were getting worse with my parents, and I couldn't talk to you, and I just drank or smoked, but I really needed was to talk to you, have you sit down next to me and rubbed my back while I hugged you. I needed you. But I couldn't be around you cause Gilinsky, and at homecoming I wanted to push Gilinsky away and kiss you, whenever I took the picture with you, right then I wanted you."

"I-I need to make a call" I stuttered, I got up and walked Into my bathroom.

Sam's POV:

I ranted my feelings out to her and she just walked into the bathroom, I could hear her screaming, but then she would lower her voice, she walked in with red eyes. She fell face first on the bed.

"You okay?"

"Other than breaking Gilinksy's heart because he hurt mine, and loosing my best friend I'm just peachy."

"He hurt you?"

"Well it was more of a team effort really" I shrugged, "because you went along with it. I thought there was something wrong with me, because everyone who talks to me leaves."

"There was nothing wrong with you, it was me, that made me leave."

Sam placed a finger under my chin and lifted up my chin up, so I was looking at him.

"I won't ever leave you again. I love you" Sam told me, my eyes widened, "you love me?"

"In those three months, my love grew stronger" Sam stated, "I-I'm afraid Sam, I don't want to get hurt, usually when I dropped the L bomb that's when things go down hill" I sighed. "Drop it I dare you" Sam nudged me, "okay, but if we go down hill, it's your fault" I rolled my eyes.

"I love you too" I stated, he kissed me.

I sighed and picked up the shirt he was going to wear. Which It was huge, went down mid thigh, i took of my wet jeans. So I just had the shirt on.

"Wasn't I going to wear that shirt?" Sam asked, "why does it matter, you look better shirtless," I winked.

Sam smirked, "so uh, what does this make us now?" I asked, "boyfriend and girlfriend," Sam stated, pulling me onto his lap.

"You didn't ask me that question Sammy" I poked his cheek. "Clary. Will you do me the honor of being my smoking hot girlfriend?"

"Yes" I pecked his lips. Sam leaned back so we were cuddling on the bed.

I fell like such a bad person, I just broke up with Jack and I'm going out with Sam like 5 minutes later.

"Sam?" I call, "yeah babe?" Sam asked, "am I a whore?" I asked, "no, you're like a saint next to some of the whores in our school, why would you say that?" Sam asked, "because like 5 minutes after I broke up with Jack, I go out with you," I shrugged.

"Nah babe I call it destiny, because you should've originally been mine" Sam smiled, "your cheesy" I rolled my eyes.


You can kill me for like not updating I apologize, I have just neglected this. Oops. Sorry sorry.

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