Chapter 9

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Gilinsky came over, it's been a two weeks, and I haven't talked to or seen Sam.

There was a knock on my door, I looked up Gilinsky walked in, I got up and hugged him.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, "no" I told him letting go, I walked over to my bed, "is there something wrong with me?" I asked.

Jack was a little blury, "is there something wrong with me, that makes everyone leave? Or am I not good enough for anyone? Do I not fit anyone standards, it's like everyone that ever comes in contact with me just either dies or leaves. My parents, my brother is going to leave to become a successful author, Mallory left me for Leigh, Sam left me and you guys are going on tour going to be successful and famous and are going to forget about me."

Jack came up to me, he grabbed my face, so I could look him straight in the eye. "listen, you're perfect, and if anybody leaves you they are loosing a great, kind, smart, and beautiful girl, listen Jack and I will never ever in a million years forget you, you made us Jack and Jack giving us vine ideas, telling us which vines suck, we love you, and Sam, Sam is the biggest dick I've ever meet for leaving somebody as great as you."

He rested his forehead on mine, then he kissed me, Jack is kissing me, and I'm kissing back.

He pulled apart "I've wanted to do this for so long" he muttered.

I smiled, my phone began ringing, I grabbed it, it was Mallory.

She texted me telling me she was on her way to come over and get ready for Homecoming.

"You better get going Mallory's coming over to get ready" I told him, "wait who's your date?" Gilinsky asked, "it was Sam, but Mallory's saving me a dance, and so is Johnson."

"I'll go with you" Gilinsky told me, "what about Leigh?"

"She dumped me five days ago because she found out I liked you" Gilinsky told me, "I'm sorry" I said, he shrugged it, "I was just going to go with Mack, with friends."

"Okay then, do you have a peach tie?"

"My dad does."

He kissed my cheek and walked out.

Mallory came over after that, we got ready, I put on my dress.


We drove over to Johnson's that's where everyone was taking pictures.

I got out, as Sam was walking up thank god he didn't see me, then I felt someone pick me up, "I call Clary as my date!" Mack screamed, thank you Mack. Thank you really.

Sam turned to look at me, "nah man she's mine" Gilinksy came up and wrapped an arm around my waist and walked off, I felt Sam's eyes on me, he had the tie he got to match my dress. Awh

"Hi mama Gilinsky" I smiled and hugged her, she made Gilinsky and I take photos, we never take serious photos, so we were joking around most of the time. Which got her mad.

Then Johnson jumped in one, and we did our famous photo, of Gilinksy licking my cheek, and Johnson kissing it while lifting it up.

"Clary!" I heard someone call, I turned and saw Sam's mom, I walked over to him.

"Come get a picture" she told me, one thing about Sam's mom, if she wants you to do something, you will do it.

I walked over to him, he awkwardly put an arm around my waist, and I put one around his waist, and we smiled, I smiled like we never stopped talking.

We pulled apart and just stood there, "clary!" Mallory shouted, thank god for you Mallory, this is why I love her. I walked over to her.

"Thank you, you could literally feel the awkward" I told her, "what happened between you two?"

"If I knew, I probably would've made up with him" I shrugged.


I was sitting on the bleachers. I wasn't feeling homecoming, I looked over and saw Sam sitting there drinking a flask.

I wanted to go over there and talk to him.

"Clary" Gilinsky smiled, "dance with me?"

"I'm the worst dancer" I laughed, "you can stand on my toes" he smiled, I smiled, I walked towards the floor as a slow song played, I stood on his toes, and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

Sam's POV:

I sat there drinking my flask, I looked up and saw Clary dancing with Gilinsky.

How could I actually let him get to me, I wouldn't hurt her, I liked her too much. I wanted to go down there push Gilinsky away and just kiss her.

I got up and started walking over to her, "don't Sam" Johnson stopped me, "why not?"

"Because. You don't want to ruin her night" Johnson stated, I sighed.

"You're right."

I looked over at her she was laughing at something Gilinsky said, he kissed her forehead and laughed too.

"She's happy" Johnson told me.

I nodded, I walked back over to the bleachers and put my head in my hands.

Nothing can get me over this girl, not beer, not girls.

Nothing could stop me from loving Clary


Let's just do double update bc wow

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