Afraid To Fall (Sam Wilkinson)

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Clary's POV:

The story of Romeo and Juliet was totally bogus, I mean one they end up dying.

Also, if your parents hate someone so much then I'm pretty sure they would rub off on you. Or you just deal with the hate and say screw it. If your parents love you, they would understand.

The bell rang signaling it was time to leave the class, obviously.

It was the first day back at Westside high school in Omaha Nebraska.

"I can't believe we have to redo Romeo and Juliet again" My best friend Jack Johnson groaned, "I know we already did that in freshman year."

"I know, hey can you hurry up at your locker I want to eat lunch."

"You're such a fatass" I rolled my eyes, "Yo Clary, do you have my sub?" Jack Gilinsky, my other best friend walked up to my locker.

Yes I have two best friends with the same first name.

"I always do" I grinned, throwing him his sub, my brother owns a sub shop, he always makes Jack and I subs.

The shop used to be my parents, but my parents died in a car accident, when I was 15. That was two years ago. My brother took full custody of me, and basically that's what you missed on glee.

"Your brother is Jesus" Jack grinned, "no her brother is Tom" Johnson rolled his eyes.

I closed my locker and we headed off to lunch, I sat down at the usual lunch table, with the Jacks, Mack, and the most obnoxious man whore you will ever meet.

Sam Wilkinson.

Sam walked in, a girl wrapped around his waist as usual.

Sam said bye to the girl and sat down next to me.

"What's up guys, Clarissa" Sam winked at me, I rolled my eyes and ate my sub.

"So another girl huh Sam?" Johnson asked, "yeah" Sam smirked, Sam nudged me, I looked over at him, "when are you and me going on a date?"

"You and I, and when Johnson grows taller then Jack" I remarked, "and if going on a date secretly means when are you going to get in my pants, you're wasting your breath."

The entire table smirked.

"Whatever you say Clarissa Mason."

I smirked, I turned to Sam, "am I the only one who feels that people with great cheek bones, are set up to be dicks, and also set up to break your heart."

"How would you know that?"

"Take Teen Wolf for example" I stated, the Jacks groaned.


"Jackson, has pretty bitchin cheek bones, he is the biggest dick in the town of beacon hills, his nick name is jackass. Well that's my nickname for him."

"Okay but he's a werewolf right?"

"As of now yeah, but when he first got bitten, he toke the shape of his personality."

"A pretty kick ass werewolf" Sam smirked.

"A homicidal lizard, cause he's a snake, he kind of took the shape of a snake."

"Plus, his parents shipped him to London, so they didn't have to deal with him" I shrugged.

"You're a dork."

"And you're a whore."

I grabbed my stuff, "see ya in class" I smirked and walked off.


Sam's POV:

"Why does she hate me so much?" I asked, "because she was totally destroyed by somebody like you" Gilinsky shrugged, Johnson slapped him hard behind his head.

"I mean you, I-I shit" Gilinsky groaned, "wait what happened?"

Everyone shrugged, "Mack even knows?"

"Clary likes me" he shrugged, "well Gilinsky might as well tell you" Johnson snapped.

"Shit, okay you know Daniel?"

"Yeah the guy on our basketball team" I nodded, "okay, so basically they were dating, she knew his reputation, but she believed he was different, cause he said he was, and so he basically-"

"Jack!" Clary slapped him in the back of his head, he held the back of his head. She grabbed his collar, and starting pulling him out of the cafeteria.

"Yeah, Gilinsky's dead" Johnson sighed, the bell rang, and everyone got up.

I have to figure out what he was going to say.

I walked up to her, "if you're trying to figure out what Gilinsky was going to say, do waste your breath."


"Because I don't trust you Sam, I'm not going to trust you."

She rolled her eyes and walked off.


Clary's POV:

I woke up the next morning still pissed that Gilinsky almost told Sam what happened with Daniel.

I got ready for school, "Clary there's some flowers here for you."

I ran down stairs, I grabbed the daisies from my brothers hand.

Daisies were my favorite, I grabbed the note.

Gilinsky told me these were your favorite flowers. Maybe you could try to start trusting me!

-Love, Sam Wilkinson.

I rolled my eyes, "Ill see you later Tom."

I got into my car and drove to school, once I pulled into my usual parking spot, I saw Sam leaning on his car he was talking to the school slut.

I walked over to him, I tossed the flowers at him, "no" I told him, and began walking into the school.

"No, come on Clary, just give me a chance!"

I stopped and turned around, "why?"

"Because I want to get to know you, and get you to trust me" Sam answered, "why now? I mean we've know each other since kindergarden, but yet you're choosing now to get to know me?"

"I've always wanted to get to know you" Sam told me, "okay" I rolled my eyes, honestly if he wanted to get to know me all these years he could have.

I began walking off, but was stopped by Sam standing in front of me.

I groaned, "can't you take no as an answer?"

"Okay, I realized that I should've gotten to know you sooner, but you know I was shy."

"Shy?" I laughed, "Sam you're the most flirtatious and bold person I know, and come on a shy person wouldn't have slept with half of the girls in this school."

"Well, you intimidate me!"


"You're, this like extremely blunt, bold, and beautiful person, and the Jacks are by your side like all the time, and if I would've tried to get to know you, they would kill me!"

"No they wouldn't" I rolled my eyes. I thought about it, they would actually, they know Sam, and how Daniel was.

"Okay they would" I sighed, "please, start trusting me, I won't stop annoying you until you do."





Sam grinned, "I think these are yours" Sam handed me the flowers back.


So this is the first chapter.

Btw, I will put out more stories but rn, I'm having some Sam feels when I was making this account.

So I thought why not!

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