Chapter 2

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I was sitting in class, going over some stupid thing we have to do for Romeo and Juliet.

I felt someone's eyes on me, I turned to my left, I saw Sam he grinned and waved at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Mrs.Davis.

"Okay, so you and a partner will be getting a scene from Romeo and Juliet, you will have to recreate the scene, and write an essay putting them in modern language."

Everyone groaned, well at least I have Johnson in this class I could just do the project with him.

"And the best part I will be picking the partners!"

Everyone groaned again.

That's the thing about having someone you strongly dislike in the same class, when the teacher picks partners, you're destine to be put with them.

She started listing names of kids I frankly don't care about, "okay Jack and," god please say Clary.


Really, you have to kid with me like that.

Really Rebecca, really.

"And Sam and Clary."

I sunk in my chair, and you know what we are probably going to have the part were they are basically kissing and touching the most.

The class went by fast, but guess what. We get the part when they first meet at the party, and they kiss.


Note the sarcasm.

"So my place or yours babe?"

"uh, mine I guess my brother is working all day, so he won't bother us."

Sam bit his lip, "great."

"On second thought, I should ask him to stay, because being alone with you doesn't sound very enjoyable."

"That's not what most people say" he winked at me, "you're gross" I scoffed. "Just like wait for me in the parking lot after school, I have to stay after a little to get music for Gilinsky and I, then you can follow me to my house."

"Got it, are you coming to free period basketball try outs during free period?" Sam asked, "yeah, Gilinsky and I have to go and cheer on Johnson" I answered, "I guess I could cheer you on to" I winked and walked off to lunch.

If he can be flirty, I can be flirt back.


Lunch was okay, Sam didn't sit with us, he was sitting with some caked face girls.

"What has you thinking so hard?" Gilinsky nudged me, "oh nothing" I shrugged, Johnson and Sam walked out laughing about something, Sam had adorable dimples, even though they are like lines.

The tryouts began, and I noticed Sam was staring at a certain someone, Daniel.

He had a little glare to the look, he doesn't even know what happened, but he knows he hurt me.

Daniel accidentally bumped into him, knocking Sam off the ground.

Sam shot up, I could tell he was going to do something. He was right in his face.

"Sam!" I shouted standing up, everyone looked at me, "you're shoes untied."

Sam looked down, at his perfectly tied shoe, he realized what I was doing and backed off.

I sat down awkwardly, I hid my face in Gilinsky's shoulder.

The rest of the try outs continued, Sam still glared at Daniel every once and awhile.

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