Chapter 13 (Jamie&Ryder)

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Oh yes! I get to tell the story again! *Happy Dance* I have a lot of free time!

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Oh yes! I get to tell the story again! *Happy Dance* I have a lot of free time!

As the two sleep on the ground. Jamie wakes up looking up. "Help!" She screamed. Ryder wakes up and looks up. He screamed like a little girl. People they don't realize circle them. "Shhh! It's us." The two look up. It was River and Lily. "Oh, what a relief." Jamie says getting up. She offered Ryder her hand to get up. Ryder gets up on his own. "Guys we have great news! We found something that might help." Lily says as they walk. Ryder starts follow. Jamie walks up to Ryder. "Ryder." Jamie says. Ryder doesn't say anything. "Ryder, please talk to me. I didn't know how you feel." Ryder looks around. "I thought I heard something." Then he continued to walk. "Ryder, you're acting like a child." Jamie says running to Ryder. "Me! You don't know how to react to someone saying they love you." Ryder yells. "It's my first time someone said they are in love with me." Ryder just continued to walk. "Leave me alone!" Ryder says walking faster. Jamie stops, Lily looks behind and sees Jamie standing alone.

Lily walks over to Jamie. "Jamie." Lily says. "Yeah." Jamie replied. Jamie starts to tear up. "Jamie, you're crying." Lily says hugging her. Jamie takes the hug. "Does it have something to do with Ryder?" Asked Lily. "No, no let's continue. I'm okay." Jamie starts to walk again. Lily followed. "If you say so." Lily says following. "Alright Guys! We're here!" River yells. "The tunnel of Life." Lily says. Everyone goes inside. "Everyone be quiet." Lily whispered. This tunnel is special only one person can talk at a time. "Hello Tunnel." Lily whisper. "Hello Lily." The tunnel replied. Ryder and Jamie were surprised. This tunnel knows all. "Lily, there's travelers here." Tunnel says. "Yes, Ryder and Jamie." Lily says. "I know, the tension is high in here." Tunnel says. "Ryder, is it true, you are in love with Jamie?" Tunnel asked. Ryder looks at Jamie. "Yes." Ryder Whispered. "And Jamie, you never thought of Ryder like that, you are confused." Tunnel says. "We are here for Carrie, Tunnel." River says. "Shhh!" Lily says. Jamie looks at Ryder. "Yes, I'm so sorry Ryder." Jamie says. Ryder walks over to Jamie. "Jamie, I'm sorry for being an ass. I shouldn't do this to your feelings." Ryder says. "Can we still be friends." The two hugged. The first time Ryder has been hugged by a girl who doesn't want sex. "Is this what it feels like to be friend zoned?" Asked Ryder. Jamie giggled.

"Good, now can we talk about Carrie now, the love of life?" Asked River. "Of course, Carrie Smith the hero who helped this land make peace." Tunnel says. "Oh no! She doesn't exist anymore in that world anymore." Tunnel says. "What do you mean?" Asked Lily. "Yeah! What the hell does that mean?" River yelled. The tunnel starts to shake. "River, whisper." Lily whispered. "No what the hell does that mean?" River yelled. The tunnel starts to fall apart. "Run!" Yells Lily. Everyone starts to run. "Is everyone out!" Lily asked. "Where's Jamie?" Ryder looked around. "Help!" Jamie yelled. Ryder runs back in. "Jamie!" Yells Ryder. "I'm over here!" Jamie yells. Her jacket was stuck. Ryder takes her jacket off. "Come on!" Ryder yells. They barely made it out as the tunnel collapsed. "Are you guys okay?" Lily asked running over to them. "Yeah I think we are?" Ryder says. "I'm okay, thank you for saving me." Jamie says to Ryder.

"What does she mean when she said "She doesn't exist anymore in that world?" Asked Jamie. "I don't know?" Lily says. "I don't know if it's possible, but can she be dead?" Lily says. "No way! She's not dead!" River yells. "Or she can be here." Jamie replied. "How?" Ryder asked. "Tunnel Said not in the other world." Jamie says. "That can be possible, but where could she be?" Lily asked. "This world is huge!" River says. "I don't know, just have to find her." Lily says. "Ryder and I will do research at home." Jamie says. "Jamie can I talk to you privately?" Ryder asked. "Of course." Jamie says. They go away from the group. "Jamie can I make a proposal?" Ryder asked. "Are you asking me to a party?" Jamie said with a smile. "No." Giggled Ryder. "Okay is about us?" Jamie asked. "Yeah, I'm going to make you fall in love with me, you said you never thought about us. Now you can." Ryder says with a smile. "Ryder, Okay. After this whole Carrie." Jamie says walking away. "Fine. But Jamie I love you." Ryder says with a smile. Jamie smiled back as she walked away.

A lot is happening, finally getting somewhere with Carrie, Ryder and Jamie relationship:), and no one died so far. I love telling the story.

Everyone makes it back to the town safe and sound. "Hey guys!" It was Cam, she came back. "Heyyy, Ryder!" Cam says flying over to him. "Hey, Cam we can't do this anymore." Ryder says. "Why did she say she loved you back?" Cam asked. "What?" Yells Jamie. "You known about this, how long?" Jamie asked. "Since last week, Ryder told me everything." Cam says. "Does that make you love me more?" Asked Ryder. "Not really." Jamie said with a grin. "So are we still on then?" Cam asked. "Hey why not?" Ryder said with a laugh.

"Hey I can feel myself waking up." Jamie says. "Me too." Ryder says. "Hey Ryder, meet at the library after school." Jamie says. "Of course Jamie." Ryder says.

The two woke up feeling normal, mostly Jamie. Ryder just can't wait to see this relationship grow, he believes that the two of them have something special.

Note: Peace and Love my dudes, peace and love ❤️

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