Olympic trials!!! Day 2.

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Breathe. Have a day like yesterday and you've got a ticket to Tokyo. You Can do this Lilia. You are very capable of this.

Bars goes pretty much the same. Third place.
Floor I stepped out of bounds by like 2 toes on my double Arabian. Second place.
Beam. Nailed it. I'm in First place.

I need this vault. And I need it badly. I have to stay in the top 4. Please please please.

I step onto the runway and present. I start running and hit the springboard as hard as possible. Up. Twist. Land.
I've done it!

One vault down, another to go.

My heart is thumping. I close my eyes and clench my fists. Deep breaths. One vault Lilia. Just one. You can do this.

I start running, but I jump wrong. I twist. But wrong. I land. But wrong.


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