3 weeks to go.

21 0 0

Well, things are the same. Still stressing over the vault. I just wanna kick it, so badly and I don't know why tbh. Why can't I do this Vault??? I've seen so many girls do it perfectly so why can't I? God knows.

I fell off the bars today. Arched my giant, and completely fell, I landed a little dodgy but I think it just shook my body up. Nothing is coming between me and these trials. Absolutely nothing.

Nevertheless, I once again had a perfect floor and beam session, as usual and let's not even mention Vault.

Nothing else really happened much, nothing ever does. Just me and the apparatus, oh and Skyla but other than that. It's all the same. I don't even pay attention to my teammates which I get in trouble for but why should I? They're just competition in my eyes..

Flexible? Or just Brittle.  (Wattys2018) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora