Olympic Trials!!! Day 1.

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ITS FINALLY TIME!!! I'm rushing into the gym changing rooms to put my leotard on and to get ready. I honestly am so excited! We get judged over 2 days of competition so we have to be on our A game the whole time.

I've warmed up now. First piece: Bars. I can do this. I present to the judge, and begin my routine, it's pretty clean but I'm sure I bent my leg in one of my giants, but I did not fall and I stuck my dismount so I'm pretty proud of myself!! I'm in second place right now. Decent.

Floor is next, I'll nail this. Or so I thought. I missed my cue on my music so I started 2 beats late, and it all looked thrown off, so after my second pass I skipped out a whole bunch of dance to get back on time and it seemed to work. I nailed every single landing and it landed me in first place. Get in!!!

Now beam, no need to worry about that. I'm a pro. Every landing and every dance move was perfection, I felt my extensions so much I thought I was gonna hit the ceiling. I maintained in first place, which absolutely thrilled me!

Now vault. Uh oh. Please let me land this. As I'm waiting for my turn I'm basically on my knees begging to land this. I really hope I do.

It's my turn. I'm presenting, and running. I hit the vault and twist. I've landed it with a slight step to the side. Not too shabby. My second vault was no where near as good but I managed to stay in first place. I'm so so so happy!!!!!

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