Chapter 7 Camp

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"Alpha, co-leader. Champion and son of Pontus. Also half primordial of the void with Astrid", Percy said.

"Beta. Alpha's lieutenant. Champion and son of Nyx", Nico said.

"Lumine. 2nd in command. Champion and son of Hemera", Lumine said.

"Kody. 2nd in command. Champion of Ereberus", Kody said.

"Omega. 3rd in command. Champion of Tartarus and Son of Gaea, from Chaos Planet", Luke said.

"Archer. 4th in command. Champion and daughter of Ananke", Bianca said.

"I'm Delta 1!" Leo said.

"I'm Delta 2!" Leroy said.

"We're sons and champions of Ouranos!" The twins said.

"Sigma. Daughter and Champion of Chronos", Calypso said.

"Dawn. Healer. Daughter and Champion of Elpis", Dawn said.

"I'm last. Elias, or Eli. Son and Champion of Aither", Elias said.

"Where will you live, Ast?" Apollo asked.

"Apollo. Still coolest god ever, I see", Astrid commented as she looked the god up and down.

"You're still the coolest primordial too, Ast", Apollo said and shared an hug with his best friend.

"Hades, has my brother been here?" Nico asked.

"Yes, he happened to explain his situation to us. You can find him at camp", Hades replied. Suddenly Hestia flashed in. She enveloped all the Phoenix in an hug.

"Aww... how are my darlings doing?" She cooed.

"Great, thank you Aunt Hestia", the group said in sync.

"Your darlings?" Zeus sputtered.

"We tend to visit Hestia more often than the other gods as the Phoenix. I tend to visit Apollo just as much since he was my best friend since I was a baby", Astrid explained.

"Shall we go to camp now?" Luke asked.

"Of course. We shall not question you, Omega", Artemis replied.

Luke flashed the Phoenix to camp and they ended up near half-blood hill.

The campers surrounded the group, weapons ready. The path cleared as two campers stepped forward, Annabitch and Kevin. Percy looked away, feeling no need to meet his eyes with the people he despised.

The others all followed Percy's lead and refused to look at the duo. Astrid however just stared straight at them, even when the tip of Kevin's sword smugly touched her throat.

"Who are you and how did you get through the border?" Kevin asked.

"We don't answer to minors. You have to earn our respect, especially after what we have been told about you two. Call Chiron", Astrid said.

"If you don't see, you're the powerless one here and I could cut your throat in a split second so answer me, you don't have a choice", Kevin said. In a split second, the rest of the Phoenix and Sandy had their swords at his neck.

"We dare you. If even one drop of Ichor falls from her, you're dead", Eli growled. Astrid sighed.

"I can handle my own", She muttered and pulled out an dagger, parrying and sending the sword flying faster than the human eye could see.

"Where is my sword?" Kevin asked and looked around.

"Up", Astrid said and held out her hand, the sword falling in it by its hilt. She tossed it back to Kevin.

"A sword worth minors", she stated as she looked at it blankly. There was galloping heard and the centaur appeared. 

"Hello, who are you all?" Chiron asked.

"Hey Chiron. It's me, Astrid. You've not changed a bit after so many hundred years", Astrid said with a small smile.

"Ah, hello daughter. How are you? Are these your team as I heard. You received the honor of leading the Phoenix, I see. I'm proud", Chiron shook her hand. She beamed.

"You guys, Chiron used to be my mentor, kind of. Apollo taught me usage of weapons and my siblings taught me to use my powers. I stayed at camp, helping in the building and growing for the first hundred years. Getting demigods all that", Astrid told the Phoenix.

"Who are you?" Annabeth asked.

"Astrid is the daughter of Chaos and she and the Phoenix are here to help with the war", Chiron said. The Phoenix introduced themselves.

"Now that that's out of way..." Nico said and put two fingers in his mouth, blowing a shrill whistle. A tiny black hurricane tackled Nico to the ground. Not many kids could do that. Nico laughed as Aaron planted kisses on his cheeks at top speed.

"Woohoo!! You're here, I'm here, they're here, we're all here!" Aaron cheered as he stood up, hugging everyone. Sandy was last and he hugged her the longest, after Nico. He kissed her cheeks for a long moment and she repeated the gesture, giggling.

"Aww... look at the love birds", the twins said. Sandy punched Leroy in the stomach and Aaron kicked Leo in the stomach before both of them blow a raspberry at the groaning twins and high five each other, smirking.

"We'll kill you if you say that again", they said in sync with a devil grin as they stood with their backs against each other.

"Got it", Leo and Leroy whimpered before they hid behind Calypso and Elias.

Here's the next chapter. Hope it isn't too bad. Pls Vote, Comment, and tell me if there are any other PJO characters u want to be added, or which character u would like to be shown more.

I'm out

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