Chapter 4 The regular Phoenix day

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1200 chaos years = 1 earth year later

Elias smirked as he grabbed Sandy and twirled her in the air. Sandy was an adopted daughter of Chaos who looked about 9. She wasn't in the army, due to her being turned immortal at a young age but she regularly helped the Phoenix in their missions. Said girl giggled.

"Eli!! Put me down!!" She squealed.

"And why should I?" Elias asked.

"You don't want me to freeze you", Sandy said. She was originally a daughter of Khione, making her Elias' nephew, whose father was Boreas, but they didn't really care.

"I can't be frozen", Eli said.

"But..." Sandy said and put her hands on Elias' and forming snow, causing her to slip through Eli's fingers. She gracefully landed. "I can do that", She finished before running away.

"She gets away every time. Can't you change your style after five hundred years?" Nico teased, not looking up from the laptop.

"He can't cuz he's an idiot", Dawn said as she flopped down on the couch beside Nico, handing him a cup of hot chocolate and looking over his shoulder.

"Found him?" Bianca asked as she sat on his other side. She had changed her appearance because her old one reminded her of how she died and her previous life on earth.

"Not yet", Nico said.

"How close are you?" Percy asked as he stood behind Nico.

"All of you, stop crowding", Astrid said, standing in front of them with an hand on her hip. All of them were holding a mug of hot chocolate and Eli felt left out.

"Hey! Where's my cup?" He whined.

"Elias Gray and Sandra Thomas!! I swear if I have to call once more, your cold coffee is gonna be drunk by two hyperactive Valdezes!!" Calypso's voice came. Nico smiled at him from over the screen as the others snickered.

"She has been calling for the past twenty minutes", Nico pointed out. Eli gulped and sped off to the kitchen.

"Sorry! I'm coming!!" He yelled.

"You guys troubling Neeks again?" Luke asked as he appeared in the doorway of the arena, sipping his own cold coffee. He didn't like chocolate much so he settled for the coffee with the twins, the frosty duo and Calypso.

"No", Percy, Dawn and Bianca chorused.

"They're just worried for my brother", Nico said. He had an younger brother of 8, Sandy's best friend and an original son of Nyx and Erberus, making him Nico's brother. He had disappeared 100 years ago, and Nico had been searching ever since, even though it was more than obvious he was fine, being more powerful than Kronos.

"I know, I know. But don't you feel uncomfortable with all these people crowding you?" Luke asked.

"Usually, yes. But you guys are my family, so no", Nico said. There was a blast and a thin smoke escaped from under the door of the laboratory for the third time that week.

"You ok there Kody??" Astrid called.

"Yeah!!" Kody replied. He exited the laboratory covered with soot and an test tube with a greenish-pink substance in his hand. He shoved it in Dawn's hand.

"Here. The unfreezing potion. Pour four drops on the head. Only works if used in one hour. After that they will automatically melt, with hypothermia. Only for unfreezing frozen things or people by Eli and Sandy", He said.

"Thanks Kody", Dawn said.

An chattering puppy came out after him.

"Also used for freezing werewolves that talk too much for an hour with no after effects", He added as an afterthought. Bianca scooped up Lumine and cradled him in her arms, causing him to stop chattering and fall asleep in her arms.

"My arms keep him warm", Bianca said fondly.

"Yeah, he really likes to fall asleep with girls. Pervert", Sandy said as she came out of the kitchen, an circle of frost around her lips.

"He sleeps with me every night. I have to bite him almost every morning when I wake up, and he still sleeps with me. Masochist", Kody said. Percy looked between the kids in interest.

"Where do you two learn these words from??" He asked.

"Books", Kody replied as he walked to the kitchen.

"Hearing stories from the goth kid", Sandy said, referring to Nico' brother.

Nobody called Nico a death kid anymore, the boy now looked like he was from an boy band, and if anybody heard him sing, they'd find it hard to believe he wasn't. But Nico didn't like the attention. He was fine with being the second in command and Percy's loyal brother. He was loyal to Bianca too, but he didn't stick to her like glue. After all, he hadn't been through Tartarus with her.

Nico chuckled as he looked up in amusement at the people gathered.

"ELIAS GRAY!! I swear I will hit you if you ask for one more cup!!" Calypso yelled as Eli ran past the hangout room, screaming curses in all the languages he knew with hasty apologies. Calypso appeared just as Eli disappeared down the hallway to the bedrooms. She was holding a spatula in her hand and was muttering about stupid sprites under her breath.

"Where are the twins??" Astrid asked, trying not to laugh.

"In the forge, where else?" Calypso called without looking back as she ran after Eli.

"He's gonna have a tough time", Luke said, looking after where Eli disappeared with Calypso hot on his trail. Kody nodded at the team in acknowledgment before disappearing in the lab.

Warriors, please come to the throne room. Chaos' voice spoke through the mind link. Kody exited the laboratory seconds later, leaving the empty cup on the coffee table. Everyone finished their drinks and followed his action, just as Eli and Calypso returned, no spatula in hand. Eli was scowling as Calypso was looking proud.

"I gave him a good whack in the back while he was distracted", She said as Leo and Leroy appeared down another hallway, stuffing wrenches and screwdrivers in their toolbelts while chatting about their new machine.

"Leo, stop chattering with your twin for once and listen to me. Come on, we have to go", Calypso grabbed his ear and dragged him out, the others following with their gadgets and stuff in their backpacks, ready for a mission.

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