The Battle Begins

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Their group is off running, but Emilia manages to get in from of Simmons and stop him dead in his tracks. "You need to take me to my car," she said. "If Megatron is getting out, we have to get the Cube. Bee will know what to do with it."

"Sorry, it's confiscated."

"Well fix it," she shakes her head. "Do you really want to just wait and see what he's going to do with it? We have to go!"

The captain of the military team moves over, taking out a hand gun and pointing it right at the Agent's head. "Look," he said. "I'm going to have to ask you to listen to her, alright?"

"Put your gun down, soldier, by order of Sector Seven."

"Sector Seven doesn't exist and I don't take orders from people that don't exist."

"I'm going to count to five."

"I'm going to count to three," he counters, before cocking his gun.

Simmons hesitates, looking around at everyone, before sighing. "Alright, fine. You wanna lay the fate of the world on her Camaro? Be my guest. He's through that door," he points to his left, where there's a hallway and large double doors at the end.

Emilia doesn't hesitate to sprint down the hall, hearing footsteps behind her and assuming the others are following. She had to get Bumblebee up and moving before the Decepticons get to Megatron and the Cube. Bee couldn't hold them off on his own.

"Hey!" She yelled when she saw people spraying Bumblebee. "Stop, stop! Back up!" When the workers see the men behind her, they put their weapons down and back away, the yellow robot letting out sounds of pain.

"Bee," she said gently. "Are you okay? I came as fast as I could." Bumblebee looks over at her, still weary off all the people around her. "I need you to come with me, okay? They aren't going to hurt you, we're on the same team right now. I know where the Cube is, the Decepticons are coming so we have to hurry."

The Autobot stands, aiming his gun at anyone who gets too close, but Emilia keeps her voice calm. "Come on buddy," she said. "I'm going to take you to the Allspark, alright?"

People part as the girl leads Bumblebee out of the room, everyone speechless as they watched. She was somehow able to talk a robot into not hurting anyone, and they seemed to understand each other well. No one would believe them if Emilia said they hadn't known eachother for long.

They entered the room with the Cube, Emilia leading Bumblebee right up to it. She stands next to him as he reaches up, his fingers touching the Cube carefully. A blue wave goes over it from where he touches it, and it slowly starts breaking down and coming together at his hands, turning into one, much smaller Cube that even she could carry.

"Now that we have it," the captain says, turning to the blonde girl. "I'm Captain Lennox, alright?  I'm going to get you out the back and into the city, so I'm going to need you and your car to trust me."

"Okay," she nods a little. "What do you need me to do?" Just get in and watch the Cube."

Bumblebee transforms, his car door opening for Emilia to get in the passenger side.


They managed to drive out the back of the Damn, military cars in front of and behind Bumblebee as they drove. The Cube sat in the backseat, Emilia anxiously sitting in front.

"Everyone's gone," the radio turned on, the girl nodding a little.

"They were all hiding," she said quietly. "Optimus has Sam, I fell. All I know is that they're safe. And that's good, okay? You're doing great."

"Who're you talkin' to, huh?"

"You, Bee." She pauses. "Or myself, I guess. I don't know."

"Well look lively."

There's a horn from in front of them, Emilia looking up to see Optimus and the other Autobots driving their way. A smile spreads across her face and she rolls her window down to stick her top half out.

"Optimus!" She waved, to which his tires skidded so he could turn around and follow them. She sits herself back down, looking at the radio. "Can I talk to him from here?"

"I can hear you, loud and clear," Optimus's voice comes through.

"Where's Sam? Do you have him with you?"

"He unwillingly sits at a police station, where he is safe, away from all of this. Are you hurt?"

"No, no, I'm fine. Optimus, we have the Cube, it's up here with me. But I think the Decepticons know we have it."

"I'm sure they do. You've done well, keep it safe with you. And be careful, they'll be aiming for you the moment they realize you have it."

"I will," she nods a little. "We're going into the city, I think we're supposed to hide in there." She glances outside, seeing power lines. "We're getting close."

Sirens reach her ears, making her turn around in her seat to see a police car following them. "Optimus," she said a bit nervously. "That's the came cop as before, the one that was asking me about the glasses."

"Barricade," he responds as he slams on his breaks to stay back with the Decepticons. As Emilia watches out the back window, she sees one of the tan vehicles start to transform on the highway. When it does, Optimus transforms as well in order to keep him away from Bumblebee and the girl.

"Optimus, who is that?!" She asked. This one was much bigger than Barricade.

"Bonecrusher. Bumblebee, keep driving!" With that, he turned and was automatically tackled by the Decepticon off the highway.

"He'll be fine," Bumblebee's radio told her. "Don't you worry about him."

Emilia sits normally in her seat, her eyes in front of them, on the road. "I want to do more to help him, but I'm not like you. I can't do anything."

"You're..." he starts switching stations to find the right words. "Doing fine. Don't worry about him... your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend," she told him, shaking her head quickly. "Why does everyone keep calling him that?"


"It is not puppy love, okay? I'm allowed to be worried about someone without it being anything serious."

"Whatever you say... Princess."

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