Definitely Not a Car

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"I can't believe you got yourself arrested," Sam said as he stands off to the side with his parents. They were at the police station, Emilia sitting in in a chair in front of a man with a leather jacket. She had no idea how he was a cop, he was definitely on something. "And you got our car stolen!"

"I didn't get it stolen, someone took it in the middle of the night!" She insisted.

"Right," the cop nods. "Where you saw a robot, is that correct? Your car turned into the robot?"

"That's what I saw, yeah. I mean it just... it just stood up!"

"Stood up?" The man glances at her parents, cracking a smile before looking back at her. "Alright sweetheart, what're you on? What are you kids doing these days, hm? Bit of weed here and there won't kill you but uh," he leaned into her, making her lean back away from him. "You're real messed in the head, girly."

"She's not doing any drugs," her dad shakes his head. "Promise. Now, can we go home already? She already spent the night here."

To that, the man sighed. "Fine. But I'm watching you, honey. Wrong move, and I'm there."


"Jesus," Emilia groans as she enters the kitchen, opening the fridge. "I had to sleep in that place for eight hours. What took you so long?"

"Hey, don't blame me because you lied when I called you," Sam defends himself. "You said you were driving and now you're trying to tell me our car stood up!"

"Oh, great, you think I'm crazy." She glances around in the fridge, finding nothing she wanted and closing it. "I swear on my life, I'm not lying."

"Y'know, you never took that drug test, you talked your way out of it. You can tell me if you're on anything, I won't-"

"Sam!" Emilia exclaimed, looking at him. "I can't believe you think I would do anything like that!"

"You never tell me anything anymore, how would I know? I found out like two days ago you don't even like Mikaela, who doesn't like her?"

"Me," the blonde responds, letting out a sigh as she looks out the window. "She's shallow and you can do so much better than her, you know that. You're such a boy and always look for the body instead of what really matters."

"Oh, don't even start with me, Emilia," he frowned. "You can't even-" The sound of a car engine reaches their ears, and Emilia's eyes visibly widen as her jaw drops a little.

"It's the car!" She exclaims and points out the window, before turning and sprinting to the front door. Sam was right at her heels, closing the door behind her. He sees the tires of the car kicking up dirt as it starts driving at the two, to which his sister grabs her bike. 

"Where are you going?" He yelled at her, seeing her starting to pedal off down the street. He nearly falls over to get out of the way of the car as it drives right by him, after the girl. "Dammit!" He exclaimed, before turning and running back into the house.

Emilia continued to pedal away from the car that was following her, going onto smaller roads and through alleyways in hopes of getting away from it. She needed time to talk to the police, to prove that she wasn't crazy.

She pulls into an old parking garage, glancing behind her. She got away, luckily, and she even saw a police car pull in. She waved him down, but as he got closer, he didn't seem to slow down.

"Hey!" She called to him inside the vehicle. "Hey wait, I-" she was cut off, him driving right into her and knocking her off her bike. "Woah, woah, calm down!" He kept driving closer to her, to which she had to back up. "What's your problem? I'm being chased by my car and no one wants to believe me! Stop! What do you want?"

That seemed to get the police car to stop moving, but Emilia stared in shock as it began to... transform. The parts of the car began to move and  just like the robot she saw last night, it stood up. Literally. It had a face and eyes, and it was staring down at her.

"Jesus christ," she muttered, her eyes going wide before she turned around and broke into a sprint away from the giant robot. She looks left and right in hopes of seeing someone that may be able to help her, though knew her chances were slim.

The robot swings its arm, hitting Emilia in the side and sending her flying on top of a car. The wind is knocked out of her, and she lets out a small groan of pain. The robot is now standing above her, trapping her on the hood with an arm on either side of the vehicle.

"Are you Username: Ladiesman217?" He demands, to which her stomach knots up. That was Sam's Ebay account.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She says, though he clearly doesn't like that answer.

"Are you Username: Ladiesman217?!"

"Um... yeah?"

"Where is the item #2113? Where are the glasses?!" He raises his fist, as if he's going to hit her, but she pushes herself to her feet and runs over the top of the car and sprints for the exit. She hears the car flip behind her, but she doesn't dare look back.

As if on queue, she sees Sam driving towards her on... a moped? Their family doesn't own one, so she has no idea where he got it from. Regardless, she had to make sure he didn't come any closer. 

"Sam!" She yelled at him, motioning for him to turn back. "Get out of here, go!"

"What?" He called, coming her way. "What are you freaking out about?"

"Are you deaf? Turn around!" She watches as he parks next to her, and she shakes her head. "There's a giant robot after me, you gotta go!" There's crashing from behind her, making her look back and see the robot running for them, smashing through cars as it went.

Tires screech and their Camaro comes speeding around them, knocking the robot over before opening its door. It wanted Sam and Emilia to get in.

"Well, get in!" Sam exclaimed, grabbing his sister and pushing her in, before climbing in himself and letting the car drive off.

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