Ice King

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Point of View: Zero Kiryu

"Where did those bastard vampires take her?"

I froze in place, noticing Mika was gone from the sofa I left her on as I returned to the Chairman's office.

"While the nurse was tending to your shoulder wound, they stopped by, the smell of her blood has the entire Night class alarmed. Ichijo had informed me she wasn't healing on her own and was going to die if he didn't take her. So I let them."

I bit my lip until it bled, I was livid. I knew what Kaname was going to do..

"As in, taking her to that Pureblood scum. Drinking blood here is forbidden."

"I know, but she will die otherwise, Zero. Now, tell me everything that happened."

Kaien said, his hands together in front of his mouth, his hazel eyes firmly upon me as he sat behind his desk. I sighed, plopping down into one of the two chairs that faced the desk. With my finger hooked into the tie of my shirt, I pulled it loose. I despised that Pureblood and all his obedient blood-suckers. And Mika? Now.. She was just like the rest of them, so why did I even care? Ugh.. you're getting soft Zero, get yourself together.

But.. I could remember the feeling of her warm lips against mine, as she suddenly flooded my thoughts. I hid my face against my hand, pinching the bridge of my nose as I tried to get her out of my head.

"There was a total Three that tried to stand guard outside of the store, but I took them out. And four that aggressed Mika inside."

"How many bystanders were killed?"

"One, an older woman, from inside of the shop. And only she saw, I'm sure."

Kaien sighed, slouching back in his chair.

"This isn't good."

"I know."

I was quick to reply, I was getting anxious and annoyed - I wasn't in the mood to be lectured. Mika's blood was all over me, from my hands and arms, to my clothes, it was driving me demented. I clammed my eyes shut, desperately trying to ignore my thirst. I had to get out of these clothes.

"You shouldn't have left school grounds with her. You saw what the Vampire Council did to her in the first place, what if they would have taken you too? What if I couldn't reach you in time?"

And the lecturing began. I knew Kaien was only looking out for me, but he wasn't my father, he didn't need to worry about me. As I stood to my feet, our eyes briefly met.

"Zero? What's wrong?"

Kaien asked, a softer tone in his voice. But I ignored him and left the office, slamming the doors on my way out.

Breathless, I nearly fell against my bedroom door, my trembling fingers racing to unbutton my bloody shirt. I turned the knob and opening it, stumbling into the room. Was it ever going to stop..? My need to drink blood? I didn't care how much I suffered, I wasn't going to give in. Yanking off my shirt I could see the gash on my shoulder almost bleeding through the bandages. Suddenly, my knees buckled and I reached for the bed, but I merely took the comforter down with me as I collided with the cold, wooden floor. I could feel my fangs stretching past my lips as I panted like a dog.

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