The Monster

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Point of View: Unknown

Gradually, only one of my eyes opened, the other I could feel battered and bruised shut. I could taste my own blood, from a gash that split my bottom lip. My face felt entirely swollen and my head heavy. And I could feel myself being carried as I hung almost lifelessly in their arms.

It was snowing? This harsh? The falling flurries left wet kisses along my nearly bare body. What month was it?

My vision a blur, I fought hard to lift my head and distinct the men around me. I had little to no feeling, especially none in my right leg - I was sure it was broken.

Finally. Finally it was going to be over. The consistant lambasting for being who I am would be no more. And I wouldn't have to feel a thing. Tears piled up at the corners of my eyes; I felt thankful. I heard a snicker.

"Hey, this is far enough, she's awake."

I was suddenly thrown into the snow, my back smacking against the frozen ground that laid hidden underneath maybe a foot of snow. I opened my eye again to stare involuntarily into the hazy faces of my assailants, my hair blowing wildly with the wind.

"Should we dismember her head? That should prevent her from healing."

"Nah. She hasn't fed in months, she won't heal. I want her to suffer. Let's go. We already spent too much time here."

Please. I wanted to beg them but my voice was forgotten. Both my hands and feet became anesthetized and purple by the cold as I laid clothed in merely an oversized drape.

My lungs felt as heavy as my head as it became hard to breathe. I looked to the moon for comfort, it's moonlight protecting me from utter darkness. I was so scared, I didn't want to be alone. I didn't..want to die. Snowflakes suddenly came pouring down harder, forcing my eye shut, deliberately leaving a thin sheet of snow that began to bury my body.

Suddenly, a faint voice called overtop the howling and whistling of the wind.

Again, I heard it, but I couldn't open either of my eyes. Were they back? Did they decide to kill me off and spare me the suffering?

My head sunk backward as I felt my back being lifted off the frozen ground. Warmth was against my cold cheek as I felt embraced, the smell of cologne stinging my broken nose.

Point of View: Zero Kiryu

From above, in an abandoned, white church, we awaited in it's bell tower, watching from the shadows.

Vampires. Five of them, came to a hault and hurled a body into the snow. A girl, I thought to believe, by the long hair swaying wildly with the wind.

"What do you want to do?"

I whispered to Kaien, who crotched down, peering into the distance.

Kaien had this efficacious dexterity that enabled him to sense vampires from many miles away. He could sense their abilities and whether or not they were Level E. A Level E vampire was a beast that had relapsed into pure hunger and rage, with a 90% chance of never returning to their former self.

"Just wait."

A faint, sweet smell suddenly made my chest pound like a drum and my mouth water. And seconds later, my throat felt like it was being squeezed. Fuck, not now..

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