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Point of View: Mika Sasaki

It was a grand hall with numerous tables evenly in rows. Light fixtures centered every table, however off at the time, as natural light peered in through the many windows.

Several students were seated in either pairs or groups, giggling and chatting amongst one another as they ate while others waited in line to receive their meal. All dressed in the same black uniform, except, the boys wore slacks and the girls wore skirts. Their cheerfulness and blithe essence led me to smile. They had absolutely nothing to worry about but school, bad grades and the way they would dress their hair. I envied them, I wanted to be like them.

I felt nervous as I caught several students staring and pointing. Right, while they all wore black, I stood out in a rich, silky kimono that wasn't mine. I couldn't help but huddle up to Zero. Looking down at me, he gave me that same frown that never seemed to leave his lips.

"Are you gonna go eat?"

He asked impatiently, over all the loud chatter of the students.


He sighed softly.

"Sit there--" Pointing directly in front of him to the end of a table. "Don't move, I'll be right back."

I complied, taking a seat along the edge and folding my hands in my lap. I could hear everything the students said about me:

"Who's the girl with Zero?!"

"Look at her hair! So pretty!"

"Is she a new student?"

"She looks like she could be a Night class student!"

Suddenly, a pair of bright, brown eyes stole my gaze with a warming smile to go with it.

"Hello! I'm Yuki Cross! Are you new here?"

It was the headmaster's daughter, well adopted daughter. I knew because of that photograph in the Chairman's office. I shyly returned the smile.

"Yes.. I'm Mika. You're the headmaster's daughter, right?"

Taking a seat across from me, she folded her arms over the table.

"Well! Sort of! And welcome Mika!"

A bowl of vegetable curry and rice was sat in front of me before Zero plopped down beside Yuki and yawned.

"Zero! I just saw you go up to the line! Were you cutting ahead of people again?"

"Thank you."

I whispered smiling at him, and he paused for a moment, before nodding his head once at me.

As I ate, Yuki was complaining to Zero about the students - She talked so much. Even so, I could feel Zero's stare burning into me. Blushing, I refused to acknowledge him. What was he thinking about? This guy was so strange.. but a part of me wanted to understand.

A bell chimed over the dining hall and the students began to gather their things. I assumed that meant lunch was over.

"There's no vampires in this class, is there?"

Divine -A Vampire Knight Fanfic-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon