"I missed everyone so much." She said happily, looking at her son in her arms. "I didn't even get to raise him properly. He only went to visit me only a couple times a week."

"Well, you're here now." I touched her shoulder gently, watching as she looked at me with such pride.

"And you seem so much better." She told me, giving me a grin. "Cooper told me how much you've improved."

"You saw my dad?" I hadn't gotten the chance to see him when I woke up this morning, I could only assume he was in a rush to finish some last minute wedding planning and to get ready for his big day.

"He was the one who picked me up at the break of dawn to grab me." She rolled her eyes a bit. "I love my beauty sleep, and the damn man woke me up."

"All in good mind."

"All in good mind." She repeated with a nod before gesturing towards my stomach. "I see the baby is treating you well. What's the gender?"

"A girl."

"It's a surprise for both of us." I glared at Lucian at his response. Neither of us knew what the sex of the baby was.

London laughed, looking down at Felix. "Illumination Dreams are the best, I was happy with the name the Moon Goddess had chosen for him."

"I didn't have one."

"Interesting." Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion but she quickly shook her head and pointed towards the limo. "Shall we?"

I entered the limo not so gracefully, and I half blamed the baby for it and the other half I blamed the dress. London laughed, buckling Felix into a car seat before tapping on the glass for the driving to get a move on. The car immediately started and we all grinned. A wedding was what we all needed, and it was the perfect distraction for everyone who lost loved ones. I most certainly couldn't wait to be able to watch this wedding. It would be the first time I would watch my parents express their love in front of me.

When we got to the Chapel, Felix was crying his eyes out. Lucian was giving me a nervous expression, confirming that he would not do well with our child crying. It made him concerned, but I only shook my head. Babies cried for many different reasons, and by the smell, Felix just needed a diaper change. Lucian, however, didn't seem to notice the smell and jumped out of the limousine the second it stopped. I chuckled, waiting for his hand to help me out of the car.

Lucian gave me a charming look after composing himself, a smile on his face showing a perfect smile. We watched as people were slowly walking into the building, and my eye caught Oliver and Lilura standing just outside. They saw London and their eyes went wide before a smile showed on both of their faces. This day was turning out to be breathtakingly magical.

London hugged both of them, surprising each as they hugged her back. Lily gave me a look, but I just shrugged my shoulders and proceeded up the long stairs towards the inside of the chapel. Lucian followed suit, holding his hand in mind as we guided the other up. I was slowly getting out of breath, but I didn't want to make a scene or complain. I was content with walking up a few flights of stairs, even if it felt like they went on for miles.

We walked into the building, and I immediately noticed the windows Aunt Paige had talked about. I turned around the entire room, looking at the way the sun came into the area. It was the perfect natural lighting, besides a large chandelier on the ceiling. I looked around at the seats and noticed just how many people had arrived. Alpha's from places I hadn't even heard of stood up briefly to acknowledge us. We both nodded our heads and returned the greeting.

I saw Aunt Paige and Uncle Adam standing near the altar, my grandmother frolicking around complaining about the arrangements of the flowers. I laughed, watching my grandfather run after her, a stack of small programs in his arms. He looked slightly flushed, his gaze switching from his son to the front door where my mother would soon be walking in.

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