Chapter Two: None the Wiser

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I feel like Gwen was kinda underdeveloped. Idk like they could have done more with her.

Arthur watched as princess Rosalia's horses strolled in front of the palace. He could feel his heart thumping against his ribcage and his palms became sweaty. He never knew what to expect when it came to the women coming to the palace. All he knew was whenever they came he was never happy about it.

He watched as the horses halted and the carriage they held opened up. Rosalia stepped out and Arthur could admit she was breath taking. She had beautiful curly, red hair, deep green eyes, and a figure that could make any man drop to his knees. Arthur looked over at his father who grinned at him. He looked back at her and watched as she glided near to them. He could tell she was much shorter than him and even more petite then he'd imagine. His father stepped down and he followed behind him.

"Your majesty." She curtsied.

"Princess." The king bowed and then moved to the side for Arthur to greet her.

Arthur smiled and stepped up his chest puffed and his chin up. He could see the princess taken aback and a blush spread across her cheeks. She curtsied once more and he bowed in response. The silence between them was not awkward and for that Arthur was grateful. He stood back up and he was about to speak to her when he saw Merlin walking towards the near woods a basket in hand. He also realized that she has brought a handmaiden with her. The woman was quiet yet her face was almost as beautiful as the princess'.

Arthur continued to watch Merlin as he made his way to the woods. Merlin's face was twisted with frustration and his fists were clenched. Arthur felt his heart sink to his stomach. He knew what he did this morning was wrong but he didn't want to say anything that would hurt Merlin more than he already was. He was on edge and he just wanted to gather his thoughts alone especially because Merlin was doing the "overly supportive during betrothal periods" act. Arthur hated when Merlin overcompensated his happier emotions to hide the fact that he was clearly unhappy. Arthur didn't know why Merlin was so hurt and in denial about his feelings but it annoyed him nonetheless.

"Sire?" Rosalia caught his attention once again.

"My apologies." Arthur smiled, "it's a pleasure meeting you, Princess."

He took her hand and planted a firm kiss on it. She let out a small gasp that only he could hear. He let go of her hand and kept his composure trying his best not to look towards the woods. The king let out a hearty chuckle and clapped Arthur on the shoulder.

"Shall we show you to your quarters?" The king held his hand out for Rosalia.

"Of course." She took his hand and he led her into the palace.

Arthur stepped to follow but paused. He turned back at the woods and debated whether or not to skip the tour and run to the woods to find Merlin or join them and do his duty. He sighed and entered the castle trying his best to forget about Merlin. He caught up with his father and the princess who were laughing amongst themselves. He couldn't help but feel as though his father liked the princess much more than he did. In all honesty he had hoped her visit was short and uneventful but that wasn't usually the case.

"Where is Merlin?" Uther held back a chuckle.

"Pardon me?" Arthur felt his neck warm.

"Your father was telling me of your servant." She smiled, "apparently he is very clumsy."

"Oh, Merlin, yes he's quite different." Arthur nodded, "but a great worker."

"That's lovely, I just have to meet him." She looked over at Arthur her eyes bright.

"Of course, your highness." Arthur smiled once more though it wasn't sincere.

They walked her to her chambers and she thanked both the men as her and her handmaiden shut the door. Arthur felt his body relax once he made his way back to his own room by his self. He wanted to sit down with Merlin when the servant returned and truly understand what was the issue. He couldn't go through another arguing phase not after the last one. Merlin almost left Arthur's side after a couple of harsh words and Arthur had never felt that scared in his life. He couldn't afford to lose Merlin. He couldn't even think of it without getting upset.


Merlin knocked on Arthur's door waiting to hear the Prince on the other side. There was a muffled "come in" and Merlin opened the door. Arthur sat in his chair reading over some papers that his father had given him. Merlin had Arthur's lunch tray in hands and made his way to the table. Arthur moved the papers aside and reached at the food. Merlin was preparing to leave when Arthur stopped him.

"Merlin, may I have a word?" Arthur placed the food back down not even taking a bite.

"Of course, sire." Merlin stopped in his track.

"Sire? What, not your prattiness?" Arthur scoffed.

"I thought it was best not to give you trouble today." Merlin admitted.

"Why?" Arthur sat back and examined Merlin.

His eyes moved over Merlins body up and down. He was undoubtedly checking Merlin out but couldn't admit to it. He finally looked away and back up to Merlins eyes and he took note of the deep, crimson blush on the tips of Merlins ears.

"I know you're usually stressed during times like this." Merlin scratched at the back of his neck.

"Quite the contrary." Arthur bluffed and Merlin held back an eye roll.

"Alright, prove it." Merlin challenged and Arthur felt his heart rate spike.

"Prove it?" Arthur repeated.

"Yes, your prattiness." Merlin teased.

Arthur stood up and approached Merlin with slow, deliberate steps. Merlin felt a lump form in his throat and he watched as the prince grew closer. His serious demeanor transformed into a wicked smile. Arthur chuckled and then knocked on merlins forehead careful not to use his full strength. Merlin groaned and held his head.

"It's been proven." Arthur kept the grin on his face as Merlin scowled.

"Prat!" He hissed.

Arthur returned to his seat and started to dig into his food. Merlin started to gather Arthur's dirty clothes to take down to the laundry room where he would later wash them hisself. Arthur read over his papers while biting into the bread that was on the plate. Merlin was glad that there was no problems between them and hoped that it'd stay that way for a while.

"Do you want me to wash anything in particular for tonight?" Arthur looked up at Merlin who was still gathering the dirty laundry and putting it in a weaved basket.

"My cape." Arthur hummed, "I stained it during my last hunting session."

Merlin nodded and went searching for the piece of clothing. The silence between the two wasn't tense nor was it awkward and Merlin was quite relieved about that. He wanted nothing more but to stay on good terms with Arthur and to make sure he didn't step on any toes.

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