Chapter Ten: Banishment

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I hope everyone is doing good.

The throne room use to be Merlin's favorite room in the castle. It was always polished to perfection, the sun pooled in through the colored glass windows, and the room never carried bad energy for Merlin. He felt at ease in an area most would feel the complete opposite. Maybe it was because Merlin knew that one day Arthur would be on that throne. Camelot would have their rightful king and Merlin would be there to see it.

Merlin watched as Arthur spoke to the king, the throne room was empty, and their hushed whispers bounced off the wall. Merlin could hear how frantic Arthur's voice had become and as time went on, he could see Uther realizing the panic in his son's voice. The king stood up from his throne and rested a gentle hand on Arthur's shoulder before speaking. Now both men were talking at a volume Merlin could hear clearly and he tried his best to seem disinterested as the conversation progressed.

"Son, I know marriage seems terrifying, but I promise, you'll grow fond of the Princess in time." Uther tried to reassure him, but Arthur's face only flushed with more panic.

Arthur stood in front of his father. His arms crossed over his chest and is shoulder taught and tense. Merlin wanted to stand beside him and plead their case, but he knew Uther would never stand for it. Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose before he started speaking. Merlin could practically see him trying to gather himself.

"Father, you are not hearing me, I do not love the Princess." If Merlin didn't know any better, he wouldn't have heard how Arthur's words sounded so deeply like pleas.

Uther dropped his hand from Arthur's shoulder and shook his head. Uther wasn't taking Arthur seriously and everyone in the room knew that.

"Marriage has never been about love." Uther scoffed as he took a couple steps down from the throne and began making his way out the room.

Arthur followed closely behind trying to keep in step with his father. Uther's nose was held high, and the more Arthur struggled to get his point across the more Uther dismissed him. It was as though Arthur was talking to one of the castle's walls.

"Father, I can't marry her-" Arthur started.

"It's far too late now, Arthur." Uther shook his head, "the treaty was signed as soon as she returned home."

"Treaty?" Arthur gaped at his father, "I did not agree to this!"

"You have no choice!" Suddenly Uther's temper spiked, "you will do your duty as the prince."

"But father-" Arthur tried again.

"My word is final." Uther started to walk away, "we will no longer discuss this."

"Yes, your majesty." Arthur's words were dripping with venom.

Uther stopped in his tracks before letting out a deep sigh and walking off. Arthur shut his eyes and sucked in a quick breath in order to catch his breath. Uther left the room with a loud slam from the heavy door. Merlin approached Arthur carefully; he could tell Arthur was on the brink of tears.

"We will figure something out, Arthur." Merlin placed a gentle hand on Arthur's shoulder.

The prince hung his head and rubbed at his temples. Before Merlin knew it there were tears rolling from Arthur's cheek onto the floor. He had never seen the prince cry and he couldn't honestly say it made his heart break. He scooped Arthur quickly into his arms and the prince broke down in his hold. Arthur did his best to stifle his crying, but Merlin could hear it echoing off the walls.

"It will be okay, Arthur." Merlin reassured him.

The prince kept his head buried in the nape of Merlin's neck and his warm tears slid down Merlin's collar bone and soaked into his shirt. Everything about this situation made Merlin feel helpless. He'd cast every spell just to see Arthur happy and carefree again. The prince pulled away and Merlin could finally see his face.

Arthur's cheeks were flushed with a warm blush, tear stains streaked those same pink cheeks, and his eyes grew puffy from his crying, his nose red from the boogers that threatened to spill out, and his lips were just a bit swollen. Merlin quickly wiped away the tears on Arthur's cheeks and gave him a kiss on the forehead without a second thought. The prince's eyes fluttered shut as he leaned into Merlin's kiss. He found great comfort in Merlin and they both knew it. Merlin stopped kissing him and watched him for just a moment before Arthur straightened up and regained his composure.

The prince's face was still a bit puffy but otherwise there were no traces of his melt down. Arthur sucked in a deep breath and Merlin watched him gather himself mentally. Arthur let out a quick sigh before looking back up at Merlin; if Merlin had not just witnessed Arthur's break, he would have never believed the prince had cried just then. Arthur looked poised and just as princely as ever by the time they started towards the door.

"Arthur." Merlin reached for him just before they stepped out.

Arthur turned back and Merlin could see a twisted pain on the prince's face. Arthur's eyes were glassy, but he kept himself composed. Merlin had never seen Arthur look so broken yet held together. It made his heart ache.

"I can't do this right now, Merlin," Arthur's shaky words did not match his stoic expression, "I'll be in my chamber."

Merlin watched as Arthur rushed out of the throne room and towards his chambers. Everything had gone absolutely wrong, and Merlin couldn't help but kick himself for not speaking up. Maybe he could have persuaded Uther or comforted Arthur properly. He sighed and shut the grand door before walking towards the courtyard. He knew the knights would be training and maybe some light conversation could help him clear his mind a bit.

Merlin sighed and trudged out of the throne room feeling absolutely helpless. There was nothing he could say to change Uther's mind. All the things he could do involved magic and that was far too risky. He huffed and stepped outside the sun's bright light burning his eyes. He squinted and made his way towards the training yard. Before he could see any of the knights he could hear them laughing and rough housing. It made him fight back a smile.

In the training yard he could see Gwaine and Leon talking to one another with serious looks on their faces while the other knights trained and laughed. Merlin did not like the looks of their conversation but still approached the two. As he stepped into their space he caught the end of their conversation.

"You know he is smitten." Was all Leon said before turning to look at Merlin.

"Hey, guys." Merlin announced himself.

The knights gathered around him and greeted him with bright smiles and supportive cheers. He knew they were trying to compensate for his potential sadness. It made his heart feel full. Lancelot approached Merlin first with a smile on his face and a dimple poking from his cheek.

"Merlin!" Lancelot clapped him on the shoulder with a bright smile, "I heard you've been in hiding."

"I wouldn't call it hiding?" Merlin felt a blush reach the tips of his ears.

Gwaine and Leon approached Merlin as well and Merlin caught Gwaine's eyes almost immediately.

"Merlin, and what do we owe the pleasure?" Gwaine's eyes sparkled with something unfamiliar to Merlin.

"Oh, I thought I'd get some fresh air." Merlin shrugged though some of the knights could tell something weighed heavy on his shoulders.

"Fresh air?" Leon hummed, "is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is fine." Merlin smiled though he could tell Leon didn't believe him.

"Everything?" Leon pressed, "even Arthur."

"Especially Arthur." Merlin lied, "he went to his chambers for rest."

"Then you are free for the day?" Gwaine raised an eyebrow and Merlin nodded.

"I am free." His tone sounded confident but his mind lingered on Arthur.

He hated that the prince had practically banished himself to his chambers unable to face the reality of the situation. Merlin hoped he'd be able to talk about it soon. That way they could plan something to stop it. To sabotage it. But he wanted to give Arthur time and space. He smiled at Gwaine who returned it looking absolutely delighted.

"Then come my friend, I have an adventure just for us!" Gwaine couldn't contain his grin and Merlin smiled in return.

"Lead the way." Merlin hoped he sounded more excited than he felt.

"Now that's the spirit!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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