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Alice lay on Ratchet's med-table while he set things up to take her vitals since she had told him how she felt weak.

Spike and Sparkplug came as soon as they heard what happened.
"Alice?! Is that you?!" Sparkplug said getting to her and looking at her Cybertronian form.

"D-dad?" She said weakly.

"What's wrong with her?! She doesn't sound good!" Spike told Ratchet.

He sighed. "I'm not quite sure... I'm going to check her vitals. It could be that she's just tired from the... transformation," Ratchet replied. "Prime, could you get Wheeljack over here too? I could use his help in figuring out what caused this... or if it's reversible..." he added.

Optimus nodded and left. He came back minutes later with the white, red, and green scientist.

"Whoa! Is that Alice?!" Wheeljack asked looking down at the small Cybertronian.

Alice quivered and Ratchet nodded.

Blaster came rushing into the room as well. "Alice?! Good Cybertron! Is she okay?!" He asked worriedly.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" Ratchet said a little bit irritated. "Prime, could you keep the other Autobots from coming too?! I can't work if the room is to crowded..."

Optimus nodded. "Alright! Everyone back up, and give Ratchet some space!" He ordered and they more or less obeyed.

Blaster watched Ratchet and Wheeljack working back and forth trying to make since of Alice's strange transformation. He was really close to her and she had seen him as a sort of father figure too, not just Sparkplug.

Alice lay on the table. Her vision was blurred and she was almost too weak to even move. She was still herself but she felt different, not just physically... she was different mentally too. But the strange thing was, it didn't feel off. It was right. Like she was finally normal...

Alice's mind raced. There were images that she kept seeing. Like memories, but she never had them before... they were brief and not that many, but she could almost focus them in her head. They were faces... they were happy to see her. She knew them...

"Are these her vitals?!" Wheeljack asked Ratchet in horror.

Ratchet slowly nodded. "I don't know... her body isn't reacting well to being Cybertronian..." he said.

"What does that mean?!" Spike shouted.

"It means she's not doing well! And I don't know why!" Ratchet snapped. He put a cord of energon in Alice's arm to see if she was low in fuel but her vitals still declined.

Blaster saw the monitor. "Alice?!!" He said and tried to get to her but Optimus held him back. "What's wrong with her?!? Why is she dying?!" He asked desperately.

Ratchet huffed. "Alright, clear the room!! I need everybody out!" He yelled.

Optimus sighed sadly. "You heard Ratchet! He needs to help Alice, and he can't do that if he's constantly being distracted!" Optimus said.

Blaster looked pleadingly at Alice and then sparkbrokenly left the room.

"No!! Alice!" Spike screamed.

"Come on, son..." Sparkplug said and took Spike out of the room. "Can I stay, Prime? I won't say a word. Please, she's my daughter," he said.

Optimus nodded and Sparkplug walked to a corner and sat nervously waiting.
Optimus left and closed the door behind him.

Prowl stood outside the room. "How's she doing? I only caught what I heard from the door..." he said.

"She's not doing good..." Optimus said gravely.

Prowl looked in the room right before Ratchet slammed the door shut. He heard Alice mumbling to herself...
"Wait," Prowl said catching the door and walking in the room to Alice.

"Hey! I said everyone needs to get out!" Ratchet barked.

Prowl ignored him and stood over Alice. He signaled for them to be quiet. He bent down and listened to what Alice was saying.

It was broken up but he distinctly heard her calling out a name... and it sounded a lot like....

"S-Soundwave?" Alice said clearly... clearly enough that Prowl was certain that it was the Decepticon communications officer...

~The Transformers Will Return After These Messages~

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