Fight or flight

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Annabeth p.o.v

I was panicking and flew out of Percy's cabin. My face was so red. I think I could have blinded anyone who looked at me. I had got way to eager and saw some things under Percy's bed before I got was tackled. A photo but I couldn't tell of who it was, a box and a ukulele. Strange a ukulele because I know that Percy had no musical talent, well I assumed that he had no musical talent, because with Percy he would have boasted about it or I would know because we are best friends.

Best friends that word was so bitter with Percy's name because I knew there was something more but giving in to it would have meant a lot of bad things.

The day was a blurred as people were getting ready for capture the flag and our teams were, Anthea, Apollo , Demeter, Poseidon vs Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes , Dionysus. They were actually mostly fair because there were a lot of people in Hermes ,Apollo and Athena together make a butt whooping team.

The sun was getting low and everyone were getting ready for the fight, we were blue plumed side, I still hadn't seen Percy for so long but speak of the devil. "I'm here, I'm here" he shouted and ran into the armour wielding crew,making many plans. Percy threw on his armour . I kept catching his gaze and it was making me blush so much. Chiron gave us the ready mark and we all went to hide our flags.

The forest was dense and we were setting flag around Zeus's fist. The plans were to sent out some scouts lead the other team away whilst some others went in the trees making way to get the real flag . I was going to try and sneak around and take out the flag guarders. My blood was pumping as we all hyped ourselves for a great game. In the distance a horn blew and like racers, we all ran.

I plunged deep into the forest, knife in one hand and yankee cap in the other. I jumped over the half way creek that always made me think of Percy. His blue, green eyes, his face, his jokes and caring manner , how I dreamed of him. I was thinking of Percy so much that I toppled over a branch and lost my cap. I was so deep in the forest and the trees were dense. It was dark but my hat was red so I found it with no problem. As I was scratching at the ground and picked up my hat , I heard a sound in the trees.

I put my hat on and disappeared, I had my knife in one hand and my fighting guard was up. My heart was pumping so fast, a figure fell out of a tree  "Percy?" I questioned . "Wise girl where are you" he asked, getting to his feet. I forgot my hat was on so I slipped it off. "Hey Annabeth are you okay" Percy said, he looked worried. "What why" I asked, Percy edged closer to me, I could see his eyes flicker with a strange light. "You have a cut" he said. We were face to face now and so close, his breath stirred my hair ,my heart fluttered. "Right here " pointed Percy . He lifted his hands to my face , one of his fingers wiping to blood from my forehead and the other hand on my the side of my chin. His fingers were warm and his touch on my cheek was soft and made me want to melt. He saw me smiling dreamily and then he blushed. He moved himself closer to me. "What wrong wise girl" he teased, if we breathed at the same time our chests would touch. He hand moved and cupping my cheek. He moved his face closer to mine like he was going to kiss me. My eyelids fluttered and I leaned in, our lips were so close, his breath so warm, I pressed myself against him and closed my eyes, he lowered his mouth to mine, my heart was beating so fast. Then a huge bang shook the forest.

I was shaken from my daze and quickly stood on my toes and pecked Percy on the cheek. "Let's go Seaweed brain" I said and we both turned to find the noise.

We were running so fast but I kept looking at Percy and he was blushing up a storm, I can't believe we almost kissed. It made me want to faint. After two minutes of full on running we found the noise. A huge crater was next to the creek. And campers were lying everywhere many people were groaning and coughing but some were not moving. "CHIRON" I screamed, about fifteen campers were all laying around this smoking hole. It smelt like Greek fire.

Chiron and the rest of the campers closed in on the scene. "CAMPERS" yelled Chiron "everyone grab someone and let's bring them up to the big house. "Yes" said many campers. Percy and I dashed forward and lifted some to there feet and checked vital signs. Among the burnt was Will Solace who was one of the best healers so we would have to do this without him.

Everyone one was up at the big out and giving some nectar and Ambrosia. It was found out that a Hephaestus trap when off wrong and became a bomb and it exploded in a fight and shook our campers around .It was so late. We took the wounded back to there bunks and placed them in beds. Chiron and the cloven elders would talk about repairing to crater 

I slept like a log and since trees don't sleep I stayed up most of the night. I kept thinking about how Percy's touch had felt on my skin and how amazing his voice sounded. I just wanted to scream into my pillows all night.

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