The dinner drama

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Annabeth p.o.v

I sat with Percy in the field for the rest of the afternoon as the sun slowly fell. We talked about our schools and people In them, we joked ,laughed and just had a nice time in each other's company.

It felt so right to be there with Percy, he was by far my best friend and it felt so natural. I kept steeling glances at his face, his eyes glittered with a calmness, his voice was soothing it wasn't different but just now I was soaking it in.

I was telling Percy a joke and he laughed so hard he sneezed. I rolled my head back laughing and Percy lifted his hand to cover his mouth. I was still giggling. I looked over at Percy and met his gaze, a shock sent my brain panicking, he smiled "what you looking at" he pestered. "Nothing kelp face" I insulted but he just laughed. When he put his hand back down it fell on top of mine.

I was blushing so hard and when I looked Percy was blushing to but his tan hid it. I pulled my hand out form under his and tried to stop it from tingling. I was about to say something to break the silence but the conch shell blew far away. "We should go, dinner" Percy mumbled but he was looking away. I stood up and offering him my hand but he ignored it and just stood.

As we walked I was trying to think away the sharp jab of pain that hit me when Percy denied my help. I when to my table and sat silently, there was about five people there already.

"Annabeth are you okay" one of them asked I numbly spoke "look I'm fine" but I could tell no one believed it

I got my food , scraped part into the fire and ate, the other kids at my table were talking about capture the flag On Friday and battle plans. My heart wasn't in it . I was watching Percy eat alone, I really wanted to Join him but why was he so silent, HE put HIS hand on MY hand so it wasn't my fault. "Annabeth" Malcom broke through my trance. "Yeah" I blurted. "Help" I had failed to realise that my table and ares table where having a headed argument and the cambers were at each other's throats.

"Do you wanna fight" growled a Ares kid, "do you, hog face" spat one of Athena's cambers. "Hey stop it" I cut in but they both shot me death glares. "I don't want to stay this close to your face anymore cause I can't stand the smell" insulted my cabin mate . All to other tables joined in all saying"oooooooooooohhhh".

The ares camper picked up their milk shake and tipped it all over the Athenas campers head. Everyone broke out shouting and yelling like monsters.before we knew a food fight was upon us food.

I ducked under a table and looked over at Percy. He was shielding his face and talking to someone. I saw the red hair and knew "Rachel Elizabeth dare" I whispered . My red headed nightmare. With out thinking a grabbed some meat from my plate and threw it past the chaos it sailed perfectly and hit Rachel in the side of the head. I tried to hide by throwing more food. She joined in and Chiron has to stop the chaos.

The camp fire that night was a messy one because the campers were all covered in our dinner. It didn't stop the spirt though we all sang contently.

That night I was last to go to the showers and it was one great shower.

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