Female Armin caught my gaze and a happy laugh left her lips. "You're Luna Eren I assume! I'm Luna Christa, and this is my mate Alpha Ymir." I smiled slightly, sending them an awkward wave that made Luna Christa giggle softly.

"Hi." I croaked out, wincing at the sound of my voice, I was still pretty tired and apparently my throat was too.

"Wow Levi, wrecking his voice already I see." A booming voice shot through. I watched as Levi rolled his eyes, turning around to find two large men stalking toward him with huge grins on their faces. "In the car too man? That's just wrong."

"Shut up, you mutt." Levi growled, sending a playful punch to the amber eyed stranger. Said stranger only laughed, sending me a wink, before turning back to tease Levi some more and irritating him further. "I'm going to kill you if you don't shut up."

"I'm not going to pull him off of you Haze, you're digging your own grave." The other tall, looming man said as he watched the two bicker back and forth. Haze just laughed and continued to mess with Levi, it was odd to see someone mess with Levi like this without any fear. It was actually kinda nice...seeing so many people, including other Alpha's fear Levi was a bit unsettling. Levi also seemed to be happy with being near these two men.

"You better listen to Declan Haze, I will seriously kick your ass." Levi warned with a grin as Haze began to ruffle his hair. Haze, apparently deciding that that's exactly what he wanted shifted into a large red wolf and pounced on Levi with full force.

I gasped loudly, watching frantically as Levi dropped to the ground with a low grunt. I looked at the others, waiting for them to step in and help, but they only stepped back as watched as if it was a normal occurrence. I turned back to the two and watched as Levi shoved the giant wolf off of him and shifted into his own large ink colored wolf.

My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him in his wolf form, he was beautiful, his fur and grey eyes practically glowing in the moonlight. 'Bless the woman who created him.' my wolf purred making me flush at the thought of his wolf hearing what he had said. 

We all stood, watching as the two wolves went at it, their ferocious growls making it seem more like a fight to the death rather than two friends messing around. Haze was fast, but the more speed he gained the clumsier he got, leaving Levi to attack at his mistakes. Unfortunately, Levi left one of his greatest weaknesses out in the open and I could tell Haze was about to exploit that.

Before I was even able to make a move, Haze was darting towards me at full speed, but Levi seemed to move faster when he caught on to what his goal was and quickly grabbed the red wolf by its ankles, tugging him down with his teeth before moving again. I let out a frightened shriek when I was suddenly shoved down to the ground and surrounded by a blanket of blinding, silk like fur.

I managed to get up on my hand and knees and saw that Haze's wolf was standing a few feet away from me, making me realize that Levi has shoved me to the ground and was using himself as a shield to keep Haze away from me. I could more so feel than hear the growls that rumbled from deep within his chest, challenging Haze to make another move.

"Take it easy, Levi." Haze laughed after shifting back into his human form, his hands up in the air to show that he meant  no harm. When Levi made no move, I moved my hand up and slowly threaded my fingers into his fur, petting him gently.

"It's okay Levi." I whispered softly, smiling when I began to feel low purrs vibrate through his chest. Within moments I had Levi curled up behind me in his human form, still purring at my hand that was now moving through his hair. 

"Well this one way to start off a visit." I looked up to see a short boy with electric silver eyes and light brown hair, his faced adorned in freckles. "I'm Ollie by the way, the mate of that bone head over there. These are my brothers Luke and Felix."

My Possessive Alpha ~Mpreg~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu