Teen Titans

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Okay, so I've seen a lot of people hating on the live action Titans, and first off. So what if it's going to suck?! Yeah, it probably won't be the best but we should still give it a chance maybe the stuff they showed in the trailer isn't all maybe they're saving the best for last. Raven has had a younger look to her, remember Judas Contract and Teen Titans vs Justice League? She looked about 12/13/14 and beast boy isn't that bad! And Starfire, first off, I don't see why people are hating on her because she's black! So what? She has potential and honestly the outfit and hair need work but she in general looks awesome, okay? I haven't seen Cyborg and I can't remember the other ones, and yes Dick Grayson did say "fuck batman" I actually laughed it was kinda funny and he also kills, yeah, I wasn't to happy about that but I'm just asking that we give it a chance, okay? Please? I mean, I grew up looking up to Starfire as my idol, so I have an undying loyalty to her. And red hood and the outlaws comics she has brown skin. I'm not trying to start a fight but just please give this a chance, it may be bad but the show at least deserves a fighting chance, that's all I'm asking for, thank you.

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