Bruises pt. 2

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I do not own the song it belongs to Beth Crowley
P.s. sorry I made Flash a jerk it's meant to fit the story.

It has been 3 days since he saw Wally and needless to say, he was worried. Robin and the team (minus Wally) where in the mission room "has anyone seen Kid Flash?" Batman asked everyone shook their heads 'no' but Batman saw Robin tense up a bit enough for him to notice but not anyone else, he'd have to ask him about that later.

Later: Wayen Manor

Everyone was eating when Bruce decided to bring up his question "Dick, do you know where Wallace is?" "No" he said but no one believed him "c'mon you can tell us anything" Jason eruged "but do you know where he is?" "Yes, he's at his house" "with Flash?" Stephanie asked "no, with his biological parents, only me and Roy know about them" "I don't get how this is all adding up" she said "he's being abused by them" Dick said sadly "he never told anyone, he made me and Roy promise not to tell" "why didn't he ever say anything?" Bruce asked "he said he feels like he deserves the pain" "he doesn't" Barbara, Stephanie, and Cassandra said at the same time, Wally grew on them from day one and felt over protective of him just like they do Dick and anyone who messed with their family, has hell to pay.

The next day Wally came back and saw everyone (batfamily, main memebrs of JL and the YJ team) there and they looked concerned, Flash stepped forward "kid, how could you have never told us?" Flash asked hurt "told you about what?" Wally asked he looked at robin as he shifted uncomfortably "y-you told them!" Wally yelled at him "they made me!" He yelled back everyone froze not wanting to get involved and because no one (not even the Batfam) has seen them argue. Robin walked towerds Wally "I know I messed up okay? But you shouldn't have to be treated like that" he said as he grabbed Wally's hand "Look I know it's not your fault but what am I supposed to do?" Robin hugged Wally "I don't know, but where ever you go please take me" he said quoting their favorite song Wally smiled and they kissed shocking everyone but they still smiled non the less. Flash cleared his throat after about a minute of them kissing but they didn't seem to, notice Jason had to bite his laughter back "hello!" Flash waved his arms. They broke apart and went completely red realizing their secret was out "what?" Wally said blushing "like you care! Like any of you care!" Wally yelled robin grabbed his hand and hugged him as Wally started to cry "it's okay, you're okay" robin said as he let go and glared at flash " you should've known" robin snarled at him "I'm sorry" Flash said. After a heated conversation it was decided that Wally would stay with the Batfamily because Flash is now wanted by the Justice League because he said Wally deserved everything that happened to him and that he hated him, needless to say, he's on the run from the whole entire Justice League.

A few hours later.

everyone decided it would be best if Wally's room was right next to Dick's and everything seemed normal. It was time for dinner and Aflred was on vacation (because he freaking desvers it) so they just ate what Alfred made for them before he left which was a lot except Wally and Dick, no one's seen them for a while. Dick and Wally where in Wally's room unpacking when Dick hugged Wally "I'm glad you're here" "me to" Wally yawned and Dick followed did to "I'm tired" Wally said and Dick nodded in agreement "I can sleep in here if you want" Wally nodded his head. Back with the batfam, everyone was done waiting and went to see what was up but froze when they saw them cuddling in their sleep together Jason took pictures the Justice League was gonna love this.

The end

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