Ayato Sakamaki: Takoyaki

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[Edited 1/5/2019]

a/n before I start ANYTHING! I am gonna just state I'm HIGHLY offended that none of my friends or readers told me AOT season three was out!

you were making takoyaki and was GOING to give some to Ayato until he insulted you! "please I promise I won't ever call you dummy again!" He says following you as you carry the takoyaki. "No, you should have thought about that before you said it!" You say walking away and to Reiji's room. You had actually become very fond of the mature vampire. You knock on the door and hears a low come in. "Hello, Reiji," You say walking in Ayato following you still begging. You were going to share your takoyaki with him because he actually had manners. "Hello (y/n), what do you need?" He asks narrowing his eyes as he sees his little brother following you. "Actually I made to much takoyaki and was going to give some to Ayoto but he's just so disrespectful so I decided to come and give them to a person who actually knows manners, unlike SOMEONE I know!" He nods getting the hint you were trying to tell him. "Well, then I'm glad you thought of me I'll make you see tea." He says walking off with a barely visible smirk. "That would be wonderful!" As the two of you ate in a comfortable silence Ayato started sulking and growing mushrooms in the corner (TAMAKI-SEMPAI!) You get up and take his plate out of his room before making the statement. "Thanks for that, I can count on you!" You say walking over to him and cupping his cheek in his hand and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He quickly catches on and nuzzles into your hand. "No problem my dear" You walk out with the dishes put them in the sink and starts to wash them as soon as you put them into the sink you slammed into the wall by Ayato. "MINE!" He says as he plunges his fangs into your skin. He picks you up and teleports you to his room. Let's just say he made sure all of his brothers knew who he belonged to that night.

Me: IDK I quickly threw something together... I was trying to get a chapter out quickly.

Miku: You tried!

Me: Your right but guess what!

Miku: WHAT!

Me: It's time for Viktors corner!

Me, Miku, Kanato, & Viktor: YAY!

-Viktor's Corner-



I love you, принцесса

-2. история


We were born to make история

(Me: It was gonna happen >^<)

-3. разинув рот


Yurio, what is your разинув рот?

-4. Эрос


Yuuri, show me your Эрос.

-5. Тренер


Starting today I will be your Тренер

Me: Thank you Viktor

Viktor: Пожалуйста

Me: That means thank you for all that didn't know! Which is including me cause I just used translate!

Miku: *Shakes her head*

Me: Kanato do your thing!

Kanato: Gladly! Kitsune-sama does not own any anime used in this book. Only the storyline, her love for me, and her love for all things evil.

Me: Thanks! And I'm doing a book with my friend HarleyHayes6 so go check that out!

-your favorite kitsune

------- >^< -------

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