10. Reunited

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So there may be sentences in Trig. It won't be that accurate because I'm using a translator and it's not that good but whatever.

Diyoza and her crew walked out of the ship. There were trees everywhere. She walked up the hill.

"Alright, I want you to search the place I think I saw someone here." She ordered. "McCreary you're with me."

The group slips into three parts. One part went towards the left the other to the right. Diyoza's group went forwards.

They went up the hill with their guns ready to shoot. As they approached the top of the hill, she could see three figures. Three girls.

"Don't shoot yet," she ordered raising her hand as a command, "Who are you?"

Madi was pointing the rifle at them prepared if they would attack.

"I'm Clarke, I'm from the ark." She replied

"Diyoza, Charmaine Diyoza." The commander said still pointing her gun. "Why are you down here? Last I remember Earth was inhabitable. I see I was wrong since you're here. And who are those two? Your daughters?"

"Well I guess she's my adopted daughter, not really but I love her. This is-"

"Madi. If you shoot I'll shoot!" Madi threatened.

"And this is my daughter." Clarke continued looking down at Lexa. She tighter her hold around Lexa. Lexa, being the six year old that she was, waved and smiled saying "hello".

Diyoza smiled. It was creepy.

"We won't hurt you," she said looking at Lexa, "if you give us some information on what happened and if you try anything even the slightest bit threatening, I will make you wish you were dead."

Clarke's expression darkened.
She doesn't know what I'm capable of. They call me Wanheda for a reason. If she even looks at Madi or Lexa the wrong way, I swear to god, I will destroy all of her people and kill her slowly.

Clarke headed back to the village with Diyozas men falling close behind. Clarke glanced back every so often to make sure they weren't doing anything. She, Lexa and Madi headed back while Madi was still holding the gun. She had driven the rover back but when she got out, she was very cautious about her actions as well as theirs.

"Here." Clarke said reaching into a bowl. Diyoza eyed her warily. Clarke grabbed a berry and tossed it at her.  "These are good!"

Clarke and Diyoza went into one of the houses. Diyoza asked about everything including, when they came down, who are the grounders, what happened to earth, etc. Clarke answered all of them it took a while. Madi opened the door and came in. Lexa was holding her hand.

"She's been whining for you." Madi said.

Lexa ran over and hugged her mother. Clarke set her on her lap.

"Lexa, tel op de colonel hashta yu (tell the colonel about yourself (dunno what yourself is so I used you))" Clarke said to Lexa. Diyoza looked confused. She didn't understand what Clarke was saying.

"Ai laik Lexa Aur-" Lexa started to say.

"English, Lex" Clarke replied.

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